Characters ideas:

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Bendy and the Ink Machine

1. Henry Stein- Kind, Hard worker, Cares a lot about all the toons, his friends and family, fav color is blue, fav food is burgers, fav drink is Mountain Dew, fav color Blue

2. Joey Drew- Is a large jerk that doesn't really care about anyone, Steals other peoples work, Loves Money, fav food is Lobster, fav drink is Wine, fav color Green

3. Susie Campbell- Drama queen, loves gold, boy crazy, Fear of being alone, fav food is chicken noddle soup, fav drink is lemonade, fav color Yellow

4. Sammy Lawrence- Writes love songs in secret, ego maniac, crush on Norman Polk, Fear of rejection, fav food is red velvet cake, fav drink is Green Tea, fav color Rose Red

5. Norman Polk- Often makes little movies in his head when bored, Has a crush on Sammy Lawrence, loves masks, fear of cotton balls, fav food is spaghetti, fav drink is Monster energy drinks, fav color Navy Blue

6. Grant Cohen- suffers from depression but cares about his friends, fav food is Devils food cake, fav drink is Hot Chocolate, fav color Sky Blue

7. Wally Franks- Forgetful, Skittish, hard worker, serious but also playful at times. fav food is French Toast, fav drink is beer (Isn't a alcoholic), fav color Orange

8. Shawn Flynn- basically Jacksepticeye, fav food is coddle (sausage, bacon, and potato) fav drink is Irish Whiskey (Isn't a alcoholic), fav color Lime Green

9. Jack Fain- Really likes making lyrics for music, likes being helpful, friendly, Likes when its silent, fav food is Hamburgers, fav drink is Pepsi, fav color Purple

10. Bertrum Piedmont/Bertie- kinda a jerk but nicer then Joey Drew, Really good at making electronics, fav food is Scotch Egg, fav drink is herbal tea, fav color Lavender

11. Tom/Thomas Connor- Loves fuzzy things, finishes other peoples food if they are full, real softy under his rougher act, fav food is any, fav drink is coffee, fav color Silver

12. Allison Pendle/Connor- Is nice to people, can and will kick your ass if your mean, Loves Tom, Doesn't like Susie much, fav food is angle food cake , fav drink is vanilla milkshake, fav color Gold

13. Lacie Benton- Handy, likes working on electronics, fav food is chef salad, fav drink is strawberry smoothie, fav color Green

14. Bendy- Is a cocky little bastard, loves to prank people mostly with food, hates cake, bow tie obsessed, fav food is chocolate Ice Cream, fav drink is chocolate milk, fav color Red

15. Boris- Will be anyone's friend, food lover, loves to nap, fear there isn't any food, fav food is any, fav drink is any, fav color Blue

16. Alice- Same as Susie

17. Charley/Piper- Organized, cares for his friends, father like to Edgar, loves money, Owns the house that him, Barley and Edgar live in, works as a Butcher part time, loves coffee cake and peanut butter blossom cookies fav drink is coffee, fav color light blue

18. Barley/Fisher- Loves the outdoors, hardworking, heavy sleeper, bad temper to anyone except Charley and Edgar, sees Edgar as a son like Charley, Secretly likes to garden, is a good carpenter, Kicks in his sleep, Works as a Fisherman part time, fav food is stake, fav drink is beer (Isn't a alcoholic), fav color dark green

19. Edgar/Striker- Loves sweets, fun, easily impressionable, Is youngest of the Butcher Gang, Fav toy is little toy duck, hates spicy foods, Fav food is Cotten Candy, fav drink is hot chocolate, fav color violet

Showdown Bandit

1. Carl- Kinda a jerk but is less of a jerk then Joey Drew, Fav food is Chicken, fav drink is Coke Cola, fav color Red

2. Buddy- Kind, caring of the marionettes, fav food is Hamburgers, fav drink is Mountain Dew, fav color Green

3. Bandit- Confident, hard worker, flirty, hero complex, likes to have fun, secretly likes girly nick-nacs, loves his little sister Penny, likes to drink Whiskey (Isn't a alcoholic), fav food is stake, fav color gray

4. Faceless Bandit/Reaper- Can see a tiny bit, cares a lot about Bandit, hates rough fabric, thinks hes a bad ass, fav food is stake, clumsy, likes to drink Rum (Isn't a alcoholic), fav color orange

5. Doc Carver- Gives off creepy vibs, Slightly Sadistic, nice to people who are nice to Banker, treats Bandit like a son, likes classical music, can play the violin, fav drink is Pepsi, fav food is red velvet cake, fav color is red

6. Banker- Has Anxiety, introvert, likes the quiet, confident when he expresses his passions, scared of spiders, treats Bandit like a son, likes to drink apple cider, loves puff pastries, fav color is sky blue

7. Lorelei Undertaker- Funny, born leader, lady like, treats Bandit like a son, likes to read, has a crush on Penny, Has a beautiful singing voice, fav drink is herbal tea, fav food strawberries, fav color is purple

8. Penny Hemsworth- Loud, hyper, has a crush on Lorelei, likes to dance, loves her big brother Bandit, likes peaches, fav drink is Green Tea, fav color is forest green

9. Lookout- Clumsy, friendly, can't see worth a shit half the time, likes blueberries, fav drink is Peppermint Tea, fav color lime green

10. Grieves- Easily scared, Shy, Hurts others so they can't hurt him, fav food is cheesecake, fav drink is Hot Chocolate, fav color navy blue

11.Frenzy- Is a girl and gets annoyed when people think shes a boy. doesn't hurt people, Skittish around strangers, fav food is sushi, fav drink is Coffee, fav color maroon

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