Chapter 3

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Dewey's P.O.V

I've been driving for about half an hour now and we're almost at my apartment. I take a quick lance at Taylor and smile. She's brought her knees up to her chest and has her blanket over her. She's cuddling up to the blanket a little as well. I had turned down the music a little while ago when I first realised that she was asleep. She just seems so peaceful. I pull up to my apartment and quietly get out to unlock the front door. Once it's unlocked I put a bag down, to hold the door open. I walk back to my van and open the passenger side door. I awkwardly undo Taylor's seat belt and pick her, and her blanket up bridal style. I close the doors with my foot as I walk into the living room. I look at the stairs to the second floor, shit. Why did I have to give Tay the upstairs bedroom? I let out a faint sigh as I start walking towards the stairs. As I go up the stairs, Taylor nuzzles her head into my chest. I make it up the stairs and take her into her new room. I place her in bed and put the covers over her. 

"Where am I?" Taylor asks as she opens her eyes. I smile and sit on her bed. "Your new place," I reply smiling at her. "Is this your place Dew?" She asks, still sleepy. I nod and smile, "Yeah, don't worry. No one will find out. You're safe here." I tell her. She smiles at me. "Thank you, Dewey." She says as she closes her eyes again. "I'll bring your stuff in from the car and leave it downstairs. We'll sort it out later."I tell her quietly as I get up and leave. I close the door to her bedroom and bring all of her things in. Once I'm done I go to my bedroom, put one of my band shirts on and take my work shorts off, I also get my laptop out. I need to sort out what we're going to do at the band practice and I need to grade some shit. It takes me a while to grade, I look at the time, 12:03 am. Cool, it's Friday now. I go to the kitchen to get a cup of water. 

I hear some kind of soft noise coming from Taylor's room. I quietly go to her room to make sure she's okay. I slowly open her door, just enough for me to pop my head in. I watch for a couple of minutes. She's just sleep talking, how cute. I close the door and go back to my room. Time for me to get some sleep. As I close my eyes I hear a scream. I immediately get out of bed and run straight to Taylor's room. I open the door quickly and get on the bed next to her. She's in tears. I bring her into my chest, comforting her. "Shh, it's okay. I'm right here." I keep saying to her over and over again. We sit like that for 10 minutes as she calms down. "I'm sorry." She says sniffling and shaking. "It's fine, we'll talk about it in the morning. I have Friday's off so we'll stay home." I say rubbing her arm. After a few more minutes of calming her down, she seems better. "I'll let you get back to sleep," I say to her as I start getting up. I feel a hand grab my arm and I look back at her. "Please don't leave me." She says. Whatever happened must have really shaken her up. "Okay, I'll stay," I reply as I get into her bed. She mouths thank you and I hug her. We were in the same position as to how I was comforting her. I try to stay awake until she has gone to sleep, just to be sure then I close my eyes. As I drift off I feel her legs tangle with mine and I realise I'm only wearing my boxers and a shirt. Oh well, I'm making sure she's safe and gets a good sleep. I eventually fall asleep with Taylor in my arms.

Published:(25/10/19 12:19 pm) Words:(715)

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