Chapter 8

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*After School on Thursday*

Dewey's P.O.V

"Okay, everyone! Get in the back of my van, in a non-creepy way!" I say as I open the back of the van for the kids to get in with their instruments. "I call shotgun!" Zack yells and runs to the passenger door. "Nope! You are going into the back with the rest of the kids. Taylor is getting the front." I tell him as I lead him back to the backdoors. "That's not fair!" He whines as he gets in. "Well Taylor has her licence so if I happen to pass out or something happens to me, she is able to take over and keep you all safe," I explain to him. "Plus she's your favourite and you likeeeee her." He replies. I blush a little. "That is insane. I don't have favourites and I definitely don't like her in that way. She's one of my students." I try explaining myself. I immediately close the doors and walk to the passenger side to wait for Taylor. I immediately see her running towards the van with her backpack and guitar. "Sorry I'm late, the class went a bit over time." She says panting a bit. I open the door for her and whisper, "Well it's not like I can leave without you anyway." "You picked everything up, right?" She whispers back. I nod as I close the door.

*At the apartment*

"Okay, everyone! Welcome to my place. Follow me to my studio and don't touch anything." I announce as I start to walk up the stairs. Taylor is waiting at the back of the group so no one sneaks off. "Excuse me, Mr Finn?" I hear Tomika ask. I stop and turn around, "Yes?" "Why is there eyeliner on the floor?" She asks. My eyes go wide, great I need to come up with something. "I um, rock stars wear eyeliner sometimes," I reply. "So you know how to put it on?" She asks. I can see Taylor laughing a little. "Well, I have a basic idea but I'm not very good at it." I awkwardly explain. "Can you put some on to show us?" Katie asks me. All the kids start agreeing. "No, If I could put it on a bit better maybe I would say yes," I explain. "I can put it on for you, and anyone else that wants it on. I just can't focus with everyone watching." Taylor pipes up. I look at her and she gives me a mischevious smile. "Okay, everyone, this is the studio. I want all of you to start practising. Then if anyone else wants eyeliner you can get it done one by one!" I explain as I open the door to the studio. "And please don't leave this room. I have a personal life that I don't want you guys in." I say as the kids walk into the studio with their instruments.

Taylor's P.O.V

 "Sorry, This is my fault. I thought that I put everything away. I must have dropped it." I say to Dewey as we walk into the bathroom. He closes and locks the door behind him. "No, don't worry! I think this will actually be kinda fun." He replies. We sit on the floor and I start to do the eyeliner. "Hey um, so you know how this morning I asked you if you remembered what you said last night?" I ask genuinely. "Yeah, I remember." He replies. "The reason I asked was just that you said something funny. I know you didn't mean it but just before you fell asleep you called me babe. I know it obviously didn't mean anything but I just thought you should know." I tell him as I finish one eye and start on the next. "I remember that I said that. I'm going, to be honest with you T, I did mean it." He says quietly as he puts his hand on my wrist. I stop doing the eyeliner and we're just silent for a few minutes. "I know that I'm not supposed to feel this for a student but, besides Ned and Patty, you are my best friend." He speaks up again. "Dew, I  feel the same. I've had a crush on you since mid last year. I didn't want to ruin our friendship." I say to him. We both smile and hug each other. "Okay, let's finish this makeup,  get through this practise and then we can talk about whatever this is." He says. I smile as I start to continue the eyeliner.

"Wow, you did an amazing job, Tay." He tells me as he looks in the mirror. "Thank you. You know, I think you should wear eyeliner more often. You look really good in it." I explain to him. "I'll only wear it if you apply it." He says as he looks me in the eye. "Whenever you want," I reply. We hug again and go back to the kids.

Published:(11:11 pm) Words:(828)

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