Chapter 6

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*Tuesday Before school*

Dewey's P.O.V

"Hurry UP TAYLOR! I need to get there early since I'm a teacher!" I yell at Taylor, who is still upstairs. Yesterday we were alright getting out of the house on time. "I'm just putting my shoes on, plus you normally get there AFTER the kids." I hear her reply. "Well, you need to get there before the bell. Any way you can get your shoes on in the van." I yell back to her. Immediately hear her open the door and see her running down the stairs."Okay, I'm ready. We really need to figure out this morning routine." She says as she picks up her school bag from next to the stairs. "Yeah, I agree. Now let's get in the van!" I say as I start to turn towards the door. "Wait, before we go," Taylor says as she grabs my arm. I turn to face her and she reaches for my tie. She fixes it up quickly and I smile. "It was extra messy, now it's just messy." She says. "Thanks," I reply and we both leave the house and get into my van.

We're 10 minutes into our 15-minute journey when my phone goes off. "Hey T, can you please tell me what it says and who it's from?" I ask. She picks up my phone and opens it. "It's from sexy boss lady. Care to explain Dew?" She asks and looks at me. I laugh a little. "I forgot to change her name when we broke up," I tell her. It was true. We only lasted about 2 months, which was last year. Ms Mullins started dating ages ago so if I wanted to get with someone I can. "Okay, sure anyway the text reads; Mr Finn, I regret to inform you that you have to cancel band practise on Thursday due to having a very important board meeting. I know that next Wednesday you guys have a gig but the meeting is more important. Sorry." Taylor reads the message out to me as I pull into a park's parking lot. "Shit, that sucks. We really needed that practise." I tell Taylor. "I know, How fucked are we?" She says to me. We both sigh. "I'll call a meeting at lunch. Now, I'll see you at school. Be careful and call if anything happens." I tell Taylor as she starts to get out of the car. We decided that I'll drop her off and pick her up at the park, close to the school. It's only a 3-minute walk for her and it means we have a better chance of not getting caught. "I'll be fine Dewey. Thank you." She says as she closes the door. I sit and watch her walk until she's out of sight.

*During Lunch*

"Okay good, everyone is here. Thank you for sparing your lunchtime to have a quick meeting. Wow, that sounded so formal." I say to the kids. "I have another meeting Dewey. Can you please get on with it?" Summer asks. I sigh, "Of course you do Summer. Anyway, I have some bad news. There is no band practice on Thursday due to a stupid board meeting." Everyone but Taylor starts to argue. "Guys! Shut up!" I yell but none of them listens. I look at Tay and she gets my drift. "QUIET! There is nothing we can do but we need this rehearsal. If anyone has any kind of ideas to what we should do please raise your hand." She says as she stands on one of the tables. She looks at me and I mouth 'Thank You'. Lawrence slowly raises his hand. "Yes?" I ask him. "Why don't we just practise at your place? You told us that you have a soundproof studio. We could hop in your van after school on Thursday and get our parents to pick us up there." He says. Taylor looks and I look at each other and she shakes her head. "Actually I don't think that's the best idea." I try to say but everyone agrees with each other. "So it's settled. After school on Thursday, we'll meet at the front of the school. Now, let's go back to lunch!" Zack says. Everyone starts leaving and Taylor walks over to me. 

"Dew this is bad. Very bad."Sh vane exclaims as soon as everyone has left. "I know but I think that we can get through this. All we need to do is make sure all of your stuff in your bathroom is hidden and that no one goes into your room. Simple right?" I try to figure it out. "Fine, I trust you Dew. We can do this without any of the kids or parents finding out." She replies. I smile, knowing how much she trusts me. "See you at the park," I say to her as I quickly hug her. "See you then." She says and leaves.


There will be a few days, maybe a week (maximum) until the next chapter as I want to write a few more chapters on my Beetlejuice Story. I need to get into the mindset to write them (which is why I can't write two different chapters at once).

Published:(29/10/19 10:43 pm) Words:(871) 

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