Chapter 7

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*Middle of Wednesday Night*

Taylor's P.O.V

I wake up from my nightmare crying. I check the time 11:39 pm. I get out of bed and slowly walk down the stairs and to Dewey's room. Still crying I gently knock on his door. I slowly open it to see Dewey, still a bit groggy from waking up, sitting up and putting his lamp on. "Another nightmare T?" He asks. I just nod and walk towards him. He moves over and lets me into his bed. "Well, we both have been extremely stressed and worried about the kids coming over. Look, Tay, It's going to be fine. None of the kids will find out that we are living together. I promise you that we will be fine." Dew says as he holds me close. After a few minutes, I stop crying.

Dewey releases the hug and starts to get out of bed. "I know something that might cheer you up." He says as he walks to a corner of his room and picks an acoustic guitar up. He comes and sits back down next to me. Dew strums it and tunes it a bit. I watch him fascinated as he positions his fingers ready for the first cord, then he starts strumming. "Hey there, Delilah, What's it like in New York City? I'm a thousand miles away, But, girl, tonight you look so pretty?" Dewey starts to sing, his voice soft and calming. It's strange to hear him play and sing like that. I smile and lean on his shoulder, still allowing him to move his arm. I close my eyes so I can focus on his voice. As we sit there, I have a realisation, I have a crush on him. No, I don't. It's just the situation we're in, playing with my brain. 

When he finishes I open my eyes to see him smiling. He puts the guitar next to the bed and leans his head on top of mine. "I didn't know that you played acoustically or knew anything that doesn't rock," I say to him. "It's soothing and relaxing plus, electric and acoustics aren't that different."He replies as he lifts up his head and gets out of bed to put the guitar back properly. "Come on, let's get some sleep. We need to get up a bit earlier than usual so that we can get the apartment ready." He says as he gets back into bed with me. "Yeah, I think that's a great idea," I say as he puts his arm around my waist. I turn away from him and we intertwine our legs. This makes me feel safe and loved. I move back a bit so that I can feel his stomach on my back. Dew nuzzles his face into my neck. "Hey, Dewey?" I ask yawning. "Yeah?" He says. I can feel his breath on my neck. "I, um, no it's fine. Thank you for everything Dew." I reply to him, I can't tell him that I have a crush on him, not just yet. "Oh, okay. Night babe." He replies as he trails off to sleep. I smile and blush a little. He just called me babe. What does this mean? 

*Thursday Morning*

"Time to Wake up T. We've got the kids coming after school," Dewey says as he gently nudges my arm. I open my eyes to see him smiling. He moves over I see he's made me coffee and some toast. "Morning Dew, Thank you," I say to him as I sit up and reach for the coffee. "It's fine. I've also moved anything that couldn't possibly be mine into your room. All you have to do is take out all of your stuff from the bathroom and take your guitar to school." He replies as He sits on the side of the bed. "Thank you, Dew. I know it's your place but I could have helped to move shit." I tell him as I put the cup back down and grab the plate. "Yeah, but I thought you could use a bit more of a sleep in," Dewey says to me as I eat the toast. "About last night, do you remember what we were talking about when we were about to go to sleep?" I ask curiously, wondering if he knows that he called me babe. "Like when we were lying in bed? No, I'm sorry. I was really tired and fell asleep fast." He replies. "It's fine. I was just thanking you for taking care of me." I tell him. I don't know how to feel about it. "Oh okay. Look, it's fun having someone else around, let alone you. Now let's get sorted for school." He says as I get out of bed.

Published:(5/11/19 12:49 am) Words:(799)

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