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Vera,Sandra and Jeffrey stood around the huge metal gates to the campgrounds.In the receptionist office Pamela sat,checking off diagnostic checks from the doctors of the hundred or so children.

  "Hey,Pam?"Sandra called,dropping her cigarette and stamping on it.The auburn woman sighed and nodded, closing her blue eyes for a moment.

  "When are all the kids comin'?"the blonde woman asked.Vera sighed and strolled away from the rest.

  "Two days!"Pamela said,sighing.Only two days before you end up killing those poor kids,she thought.

  Jeffrey and Sandra walked away from the receptionist,heading towards their cabins to the north. Alone,Pamela opened her eyes and continued to work on writing off boxes.

Samson Willis:Passed
Lisa Simpson:Passed
Carlie Vernon:Passed

  Bored,she stood up and ambled to the back of the small building.She opened the blinds and took in the beautiful view.

  Down a slope,Lake Red Alder rested. The lake was roughly two miles wide, with a small river,Anderson River, breaking off in the horizon.All around the lake stood a forest,with the namesake of the beautiful location, Red Alder Forest,being the most prominent species of tree.

  Pamela's thoughts were interrupted by the horn of a car blaring loudly.She rushed to the operations area and opened the gate.The small canary yellow vehicle moved forward,the driver,a man with mousy brown hair and glasses,flipped his middle finger at her.

  "Fucking whore!"he yelled out from the window,speeding down the road. Pamela sighed and leaned against the door of the reception office,closing her eyes yet again.

  The Auburn woman did NOT rest long though.Soon the rumble of another car engine caused her to peer out of the window.In the van were two people.

  One had dark brunette hair,with sparkling green eyes and wearing a nice shirt and wearing a fancy watch.

  The other wore a flannel shirt and khaki shorts.He had dirty blonde hair.Pamela recognised them as Robert and Richard Raimi, brothers.

  "Go through,"she said,checking their names off of the list,along with the man before them,Scott's.

  Alone yet again,she started to think about her job.Due to the previous receptionist,Rebecca,falling ill,she would be receptionist for this season.

  Yet again a car engine forced Pamela to look up.This time it was two women,giggling and waving to her. She nodded for them to go and they left.The woman ticked off Linda Day and Donna Tree off the list.

  Only two people were not at the camp yet:Timothy Bexley and Susan Sinatra.She sighed and waited.


  Linda and Donna stopped the car and climbed out.Around the car park were various people,none of which was Timothy.

  "Why can't he ever be on time?" Donna grumbled.
"Maybe he got in traffic,"Linda said to her friend.

  "I guess."Donna said irritably.Both women headed towards the cabins they had been told was the main cabin,where they could find out where they would be staying.

  "Vera?Where are you?"Donna called, opening the imperial red door.Nestled in a chair sat Vera,her greying hair arranged into a bun.Linda entered the cabin,asking her employer where the girls would be staying.

  "Over there,"Vera pointed to a board pm the wall next to the door,"Is a map of the place."

  Donna looked at the board.A map displayed ten cabins,each with a note on them.On one of the cabins to the east(just bordering the lake)were pictures of Linda and some weird mousey brown-haired man.To the very north was a cabin with a picture of Donna and another woman–she was blonde with brown eyes.

  "Thanks,"the brunette woman said, walking into the cabin's kitchen.Only home other person was inside the room.He was wearing a red flannel shirt and khaki shorts.He was making a sandwich for a younger man who was sitting on a bench outside.

  Donna passed the men and walked up towards the two northernmost cabins.Her shoes made a soft crunching sound against the leaves on the floor.Several birds tweeted and flapped their wings as she walked towards her cabin.The door was painted a bright canary yellow.

  "Hello?Is anyone in here?"Donna called,entering the building.She closed the door behind her and strolled into the living room.

  The building was rather large:she could easily see that there were five rooms in the next floor up.Donna sighed and climbed into the sofa, closing her eyes for a moment of sweet,sweet relief.



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