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Pamela crawled out from behind the shed as she hurried towards the back gates of the camp.Rebecca's limp body lay atop one of the spiked poles,a puddle of blood collecting beneath her.

  Horrified,the auburn woman opened the gates,which were,thankfully,well- oiled.Sunlight spilled over the horizon as she hurried onto the quiet road, screaming for help.

  Horror clouded her thoughts as Timothy sprinted towards her, wielding a drill.Pamela shrieked and took off down the road,crying for help.Her green eyes filled with tears as she passed a sign thanking her for visiting.

  "Come back here!"he yelled,the drill littering her back with small scratches and cuts.She hurried her pace and continued screaming.

  Everything stopped.The sound of Linda in a car behind them caused both of them to stop.

  "Get the fuck in,Pam!"the other woman cried,opening the passenger seat.Pamela climbed in just as Timothy reached them.

  "Fuck you!"the Auburn woman sobbed,kicking him in the face as they drove down the empty road to the town.

Behind them,Timothy's drill grew quieter and quieter...until both Linda Day and Pamela Johnston couldn't hear them anymore.

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