Never Again

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Stefan pulls me aside as we all get up from the table. He leads me up the stairs and into Elena's room where he shuts the door.

"What is it Stefan," I ask.

He sighs and blurts it out, "you slept with Klaus."

I sigh, but keep eye contact, "Yes, I did."

"Why," Stefan demands.

"Why do you care," I yell, "I didn't realize you needed to know everything about my personal life."

"You slept with the one who has destroyed our lives," Stefan yells.

"Your lives, not mine," I yell, "Klaus has made my life better! You and Damon have always held me back from being what I truly am. Klaus and Elijah not only want me to be what I am, they want me to embrace it. If you can't understand that we might as well say our goodbyes right now."

"We have never held you back Cecily," Stefan says.

"Yes you have," I yell back, "when I first told you that I was the world's first hybrid, you were scared of me. When you figured out that I needed a drop of Elena's blood to fully Turn, you were going to make sure I was never near her. You didn't want me being the strongest creature on Earth, you wanted me to be like you."

"I wanted you to survive," Stefan yells, "do you not notice how many more people have come after you because of what you are?"

"Of course I've noticed," I hiss, "but I have the power to stop them Stefan! I love being what I am and there's nothing you can say that's going to change that."

"Then let me help you," Stefan says.

"Help me do what," I ask.

"With anything," Stefan says, "I know you and Klaus were planning to leave Mystic Falls. You can still do that, but I'll be with you instead."

I shake my head, "you're not ready to leave this town Stefan. Whether you want to admit it or not, you still love Elena. She's choosing between the two of you. If you're not here when she picks, your brother will win. That's something you and I both don't want to happen. Stay here Stefan. Elijah and I will leave Mystic Falls together with Alaric on our trail. You'll be safe, that's all the matters."

"I'll be safe," Stefan asks, "Cecily, Alaric will be hunting you until Elena dies. You won't ever be safe until she is."

"What happens to me doesn't matter Stefan," I say, "I'm not an Original. If I die, which is a big if, no one else will go with me."

"There is so much about you that is Original material," Stefan says, "Elijah's blood Turned you, Elijah gave you some of his blood when you Turned into a hybrid. You have Esther's powers. You were born a Mikaelson. If that doesn't make you an Original, then I don't know what will."

"Perhaps you're right," someone says from the door. We both turn to see Elijah standing in the doorway.

"What do you mean," I ask.

"Everything about you is the same for my siblings and my mother. You may not have been Turned an Original, but there's enough about you that makes you one," Elijah says, walking into the room.

"Are you telling her that she's an Original," Stefan asks.

"That's exactly what I'm telling her," Elijah says.

"I'm an Original," I ask quietly.

Elijah nods, "anyone you've ever Turned may not die when you do, but you're the equivalent to the rest of us."

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