*Author Note & Spoilers

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Author Note

Hello, there loyal readers. Sorry, this is not a story, as I'm sure you were hoping when you got the notification that I've updated. I just wanted to get you guys up to date with what's been going on with me.

1. I'm not dead. Obviously, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to post this.
2. I've not abandoned my stories. I'm working on them little by little when I get the chance. This is because...
3. I got a job, so it's taking up a lot of my time and energy. That's why I've been so inactive lately.

Spoilers - Top Wing

Due to my new job, I tend to not get the chance to watch new episodes when they come out, or I forget to check when a new episode comes out so I can google purchase it. But I am still on track with new episodes, and this is where the spoiler comes in. If you haven't seen the new episodes that aired last month (September) and this month (October) then I apologize for this and you don't have to read if you don't want to. 

This has to do with Speedy and Bea.
Now, we've always assumed that Speedy and Bea (but mostly Speedy) were once cadets. This has been confirmed as of the recent episodes.

Spoilers now

In the episode "Swift's Family Flying Ace", first episode to include Swift's name in the title, we were introduced to Swift's grandfather. We find out in this episode, that he was Speedy's teacher, and we also got to see Speedy's old plane, called 'The Little Eagle', from when he was a cadet. 
So, Speedy once being a cadet... confirmed. XD

In the episode "Penny and Bea Rescue Team", Bea goes with Penny on an underwater repair rescue mission. When they are about to leave for the mission, Bea says "Time to earn our wings! (laughs) I haven't said that in a while." Then when she goes down the elevator with Penny, she has an unstable landing, almost falling over. When she gets her footing right, she then says "Haven't done that in a while either!"
I was super excited when I heard her say that. So Bea once being a cadet... DOUBLE confirmed! XD

That's it for now guys. And don't worry, I'll submit something when I get the chance.

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