chapter 5~

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shays convertible above☆

Shays p.o.v

I felt really guilty about making Dakota jealous.But I really did want to be his friend I'm guessing he didn't really like me or he had really bad social anxiety or both I'm not exactly the best of people."iamsorryforputtingyouonthespotyoudonthavetobemyfriendandigetitifyoudontwannabemyfriendsorryillleavenowishouldntevenbehere" did I mention when I'm nervous I speed talk and don't take a breath in between. I say sorry again and go to leave.ive already made it really awkward I should've waited to meet him with the rest of the pack.screw that I should've waited till dakota somehow found out about me then asked if he could meet me.

Dakotas p.o.v
I could tell shay meant good so I just blurted out "I am sorry I ready wanna be your friend" she turned round and smiled and said "thanks....I'mreallysorryIdidn't catchyourname" "I am dakota"
She turned round with a smirk on her face and asked "heyyy Xavier can I take Dakota shopping if he wants to pleaseee " I spoke up "could I go please I've never been before " shay gasped "now you've got to let him go" Xavier sighed "fine take my black card and make sure you tell Elijah and Killian before you leave" she started jumping up and down and ran to Xavier and hugged him.she went from being really calm to hyper "thank you thank you thank you" We walked out of the room and she took me down to a black convertible and we went to a shopping kinda nervous I've never been out shopping with anyone and I don't wanna spend Xaviers money I feel really guilty.Hopefully everything will go well but I don't wanna be different to anyone else there but I know I will be I like girls clothes.Oh god shays gonna think I'm a weirdo and she's gonna bully me like the rest of my old pack. Why did I agree to this I'm really stupid and I can't even go back because we went in her car and I wouldn't know where to go.

Xaviers p.o.v
I had to give into my little sister knowing how stubborn and persistent she is .I can tell shay and Dakota are gonna be best friends and I don't mind as long as they are safe and happy.Hopefully they will be back before midnight but there's no promises to that.while there gone I can go do pack work again yay

Hey guys thanks for reading and do you want shays story as another book please dm me or comment if you do Anywhore have a great day ,night or evening

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