chapter 8~

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☆some swearing and bad grammar ☆

Dakotas p.o.v
Shit. I jumped out of my chair and sprinted out of the kitchen nearly killing myself as my chair fell behind me. The only problem I didn't have a clue where I was going I have only been here for a few days. I ran up some stairs and once I made it to the top there was a random set of shoes in the middle of the floor and of course I managed to fall over them and damn it hurt I swear this floor is concrete under the red carpet .I squeaked when I felt someone pick me up but from the tingles I could guess it was my God damn sex ass mate and I ain't sharing. His eyes where back to a gorgeous caramel brown and he looked at me with concern.To show him I was ok I kissed his cheek and smiled.From his expression and chuckle I could tell I was as red as a tomato yay. I just hid my face in his kneck his scent still smelled amazing and I could never get tired of it.once I had felt him walking I looked up he just looked amazing from every angle our eyes connected and I realised I had been staring for way to long ."kota you can stare as much as you want I'm all yours " he made up a nickname for me this just made me smile like the chesire cat.Eventually we stopped and we was in this amazing in house cinema and he had a hell of alot of movies.I had never really watched movie I only remember one it was about a man's wife who was brutally murdered by a serial killer and his son is left physically disabled,In a twisted turn of events his son is kidnapped and he has to chase the kidnapper for thousands of miles with the help of a mentally disabled woman .it was called finding nemo but I had already watched that but he had alot of disney movies (your never to old for disney ♥💖 ) I pulled one out called lilo and mate put the movie on and pulled out loads of blankets and some sweets and we watched the movie together.

Xaviers p.o.v
Once we made it to the cinema my mates face lit up once he saw how many movies I had I wouldn't have had that many bur after living with my sister I'm pretty sure I have the whole disney collection and a good amount of horrors.He picked out lilo and stitch once we was bundled up with loads of blankets and snacks we sat cuddling each over with occasional laughter which I could help smile at I couldn't have wished for a better mate Towards the end I found my mate was asleep and I had to snap a picture he had his head on me and had a partially eaten sweet in his mouth.Then I kept him in my arms and carried him to our room and got into bed with him because why not even though it was only 4 in the afternoon i couldn't help myself kota was to cute to resist.

Haiiii guys sorry about the late update I had a shit ton of homework and I was spending the day with one of my bffs yesterday and what's your favourite disney movie I can't decide mine
Have a good day night or evening
Luv ya

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