{Chapter 2}

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This Weird Feeling Inside My Chest


No one's POV:

Shredder and Leo charged at each other while Leo was yelling. Shredder raised his left gauntlet up then strikes it towards to Leo, and Leo raised his both katanas and blocks his attacks. Shredder stares into Leo's eyes deeply. Then they fought. Shredder tried striking him many times. But Leo dodges his attacks, flips, block and ducks. Then Shredder used his left leg to kick Leo on his stomach and send him flying towards to escape door.

Leo groaned in pain, had his eyes close with the unbearable pain but got it off. He opened his eyes to see Shredder, seeing him charging at him both his gauntlet. Then suddenly...Leo was now seeing everything in slow motion.

When Leo was seeing Shredder flexing his arm muscle. Seeing little sweat running down. Leo started to blush crazy, and widened his eyes. Then Shredder grunted striked his gauntlet yet again towards him. Leo snapped out of his world and used both his katanas to block his strike yet again. Then it happened again with slow motion. Leo was seeing Shredders eyes looking back at him deeply with the glare. He blushed yet again. 

Leo seeing everything carefully with slow motion still. While they are fighting, Leo never notice how Shredder's well built. Biceps, noticeable six packs, chest plate lines. Everything from Shredder....was....sexy.

Leo never realized how Shredder looks so sexy but yet so evil. Leo actually....likes it.

Then out of nowhere Shredder grabbed Leo's neck, squeezing him tightly, Leo actually kinda moaned. He blushed so madly like the colors of Foot Clans sign. Shredder brought him close to his face helmet. Leo look deeply to Shredder's eyes. Leo was panting heavily, his hot breath turned fogs, heart beating so fast and his mind going crazy. Then Shredder spoked to him.

"Have I ever told you, Leonardo...that you are so...define....so stunning. So beautiful. Like a blue flower would look. You remind me, the beautiful hydrangea flower. So fragile." Shredder said seductively to Leo and he widened his eyes by Shredders words. Shredder took his helmet off.

Revealed his burned face. He looked toward Leo's eyes. Leo was looking at Shredder's face carefully. He never thought Shredder would look so, handsome even though his face is burned. He looks handsome still.

What's really shocking that Shredder was bring Leo's face closer to his, what Leo is noticing now...he's was going to kiss him. Shredder parted his lips and closed his eyes, bringing him slowly. Leo then relaxed by his grip. He slowly closed his eyes, and parted his lips as well. Shredder then slowly opened more of his lip to kiss Leo's soft lip.

"Leo, LEO!!!"

Leo opened his eyes fast from his dream. He heard a familiar voice. It was Raph, and the others next to him. He sat up quick but suddenly felt pain in his head. He held it on the side of his head where it hurt. 

Leo's POV:

"Wha-what happened?" I asked my brothers. "Shredder knocked you out cold. You were hit by the escaped door by your head pretty hard." Donnie said. I still feel the pain in my head.

"The good thing your bone is not cracked or opened. I did the x-ray on you. So your fine Leo." Donnie said yet again to me of my not ok injury. It still hurt as fuck.

"I'm gonna be in my room. Excuse me guys." I said to my brothers going to my room. I walked out of Donnie's lab still thinking over of what I just...dream. I finally got in my room and locked it. I went to my bed lay on it. I started to take off my bandanna, my gears and belt. And my wraps. I got up from my bed again and looked at my mirror. Its tall and wide as well.

I can see how my body looks. It's different from my brothers body but mine. It almost looks like a girl. Just curves, waist, my ass, even my legs. I look almost like a girl but not. I'm a boy. Too be honest I love my body. How it looks. I think none of my brothers notice my curve but slim body. Looking like a girl but I think they don't pay attention.

I went back to my bed again, laying on it and i hugged my pillow. Thinking over what I just dream when I was unconscious.

But, I really....love that dream. And plus it's crazy that I was dreaming of him like that cause Shredder is our worst enemy. But yet again. He looks really sexy. I can't take my mind off him. My heart started to beat crazy again.

Feeling my face flushed again. I was thinking over Shredder's flexed muscles, his define abs, and chest. I really loved them. Not gonna lie. And, I dreamed of Shredder's burned face. I seen him once before but this is the second time. And he looks very handsome as fuck. Then what I remembered in my dream. He grabbed my neck chocking me.

I blushed on that part. But....that was actually sexy. When I thought over it, I caressed my neck. I wanted to feel it in real life. But...why am I only feeling this towards Shredder? He's our worst enemy even Splinter's worst enemy.

What is this weird feeling inside my chest?

Hello my lovelies. I hope y'all like this story so far. Maybe if you are reading this but don't forget to put a like on this. But I am so glad you all are reading all my stories and wanting me to continue all my stories I haven't updated. Until next chapter or other stories. BYE!!!

Words: 974

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