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Forest slammed the door to the conference room open and tossed his best friend, Booker, ten feet. The Spears all stared as their backup quarterback flew through the air, bemusement on their faces.

"What the," Brandon Webb muttered, scrambling to help Booker up. He leaned down as Booker glared at Forest.

"Thanks, moron, I wanted bruises," he muttered sarcastically, letting Brandon pull him to his feet. "I thought I was on this team with men, not cheerleaders.." Muttered the one and only, Tom Brady. "Is that...?" Booker whispered to Forest, starstruck.

"...Tom Brady." Forest said, unimpressed. "I can't believe we're on a team with-" Booker cut him off, "The greatest quarterback in the world!"

"Pfft, not once you're done with him.." Forest scoffed. "Hey, I'm not that good.. plus I'm only the backup quarterback." They continued to talk, while Tom Brady went to each one of the rookies, insulting them and complaining. Then, he came to the two. "Hmph. And you, little dude," He pointed to Booker. "What are you, my backup quarterback?" The salty veteran laughed sarcastically.

"Yes, sir!" Booker replied eagerly.

"You're the huh now?-"

"Alright, boys!" Yelled a voice. Head coach Michael Herman clapped his hands, signaling for them to gather. "Meet your teammates."

Brady shouted, "Okay, so I'm on a team with these rookies? I am adored! I am worshipped! People love me! I am a star quarterback, I won five superbowls, I played for the patriots! The patriots! And you put me on a team with children?!"

All the players stared awkwardly at each other.

Evan Porter, the lineman coach, broke the silence and instructed them first. "Introduce yourself, your position, and tell them something about you. Ryan start."

Ryan raised an eyebrow. "Uh, my name is Ryan Thorton, I am a tight-end, and uh, I have a girlfriend," he quickly let out.

"Hello, my name is Mario Santiago, I am a wide receiver, and I have a girlfriend named Andrea."

"Sup, my name is Brandon Webb and I have a twin." Brandon half waved and shoved Max forward. "I am the twin, named Max [Webb], I have a dog named Walrus."

"I-I'm Booker Ross." He stuttered, "I'm the backup q-quarterback.. I have a lot of siblings, h-half siblings, and donor siblings my family calls diblings. Oh, and I love grape jelly."

"Are you stuttering?" Yelled quarterback coach Jules Burbach, with furrowed brows. Before Booker had a chance to answer, Coach Burbach spoke again, "This isn't college anymore, it's the NFL. Shape up or ship out."

"It's not the military either, but here we are." Muttered assistant head coach Anthony Connor. The two coaches both glared at each other. Forest looked awkwardly at the two before he spoke up, "Uh, I'm Forest Wishmonger, I'm a defensive end, and.. I love any and all Italian food."

"I'm Rowan Herring, I'm a punter and I have a girlfriend."

"I'm Luke Olsen, a tight end, and allergic to soy." He nodded enthusiastically. "Sean Rybicki, kicker, would rather be playing soccer right now."

"The name's Tyson Hill. Wide receiver. Not afraid to die so shoot 'em at me qb's!"

"You should already know me." Tom Brady stated, unenthusiastic.

"I'm Matthew Hall, I'm a linebacker. I like stars."

"And I'm Joshua Rowand, wide receiver, and I'm British... if you couldn't tell."

The roster of fifty-three introduced themselves, some knowing each other and others not knowing anyone.

"Alright. So now it's our turn." Coach Herman gestured to the other coaches and trainers. "Hello friends, I'm head coach Michael Herman, and I'm excited for how the season turns out."

"I'm assistant," He cringed at the word assistant, "head coach Anthony Connor, but you can call me Tony."

"Quarterback coach. Jules Burbach. This is the NFL, no-"

"We get it!" Andy yelled. They glared at each other like before.

"Defensive coordinator Robert Loehrer, I'm super excited for this season. No flags earns you some jolly ranchers!" He pulled out a bag of jolly ranchers, pointing at each player with a smile. "I'm offensive coordinator Andy Jones. That's all."

"Linemen coach Evan Porter. Remember, linemen, you gotta stay low low low!"

"Hi, I'm the kicker/punter coach, Kristopher Weidel. You can also call me Kris."

"Hi, I'm Señor Antonio Escobar. Head trai- trainer? Trainer." He said in a heavy spanish accent.

"I'm assistant head trainer Madden Heron."

"Hey! I'm Dan Bellau, and I'm just here to help with anything when anyone needs me. I'd also rather be coaching the Saints, but, baby steps." He began doing the hype, all of the players cringed while they watched.

"And I'm Julian Eckles, your wide receiver coach." He said, a pencil behind his ear.

"Alright. So I'm going to let all of you talk with your coaches and trainers. Have fun. Me, Tony, and Dan will be around if you need us." Coach Herman said, dismissing them.


Rowan walked over to his coach, Kris. "Hey coach."

"Hey there, Rowan. I'm sure you met Sean," He gestured to the kicker beside him.

Sean didn't look up from his phone, already showing unfriendliness. "Uh, hey, Sean.." Rowan greeted awkwardly, though he got no response. He made a quick glance over to Tom Brady who was on a phone call. "So what are we gonna do, coach?"

"Well," Coach Kris began, "We'll do some little stuff for now. How 'bout you boys do some push-ups?"

"Works with me, coach. How many?"


Rowan nodded at his response and dropped down on to his hands and feet. He began lifting himself up and down, up and down. By the time Rowan was finished, the lazy kicker, Sean, had just begun doing his push-ups.

I wonder how this twat's gonna stay in shape to kick.. Rowan thought to himself.


"Yes, Julian! Children!" Tom Brady said into his phone with an exaggerated tone. "Can you believe this? I know. So, my plan is that when you guys come in two weeks to play us, I'm going to abscond with you guys. Mhm. Bye." He hung up, clearly on edge.

"Hi Tom." Booker said, smiling. Brady squealed, "What are you doing?!"

"Eating jelly." He said, pulling a spoonful out of a grape jelly jar.

"I- I give up." He sighed, backing away slowly as the crazy backup quarterback continued to shove jelly into his mouth.

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