The Game

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St. Louis Spears v.s. New York Jets
2 days, 6 hours, 35 minutes, 42 seconds.


Joshua Rowland was in his room, nervous as could be. "Alright, Ryan, I need you to help me. Throw me that pillow, pretend it's a ball." Ryan, also his roommate, raised an eyebrow. He picked up the oblong-shaped pillow and tossed it at Joshua. Joshua reached to catch it as it landed into his hands. "Good, now.. throw it again."

"Okay, dude," Ryan began, "This isn't gonna help you. Just stay calm and you'll be fine. Now if you'll excuse me, Imma go get me a snack."


Forest rolled his eyes as Booker paced his room. "What if I can't throw hard enough? I-"

"Booker!" Forest groaned, "You're the backup, you're not even playing."

Booker opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "Oh, yea. Right." Forest groaned again, "You've been pacing like this for the past ten minutes!"



Rowan looked over to Sean, "So... Sean. Uh, how you feel about the game?" He asked. "Fine. You're the one who should be worried." Sean replied.

"Okie Dokie then..." Rowan said.


St. Louis Spears v.s. New York Jets
13 minutes, 28 seconds.

Reporters flocked Meker Twilight Stadium, flashing cameras and microphones everywhere. Assistant Head Coach Connor rubbed his head as he tried to calm the reporters down. "C-Coach Herman will be out in a minute." Anthony sighed.

"How are you feeling about the game?" One said, "Do you think you'll win?" Said another. On and on, nothing but how's and to do's and will's for the next ten minutes. And once Michael Herman came out, all hell broke loose. "How do you feel about your first game being held back this long?"

I can't wait until these people go away... He thought. "Alright, calm down, friends. All of your questions will be answered soon. Maybe go interview the tailgaters for now?" He suggested.

He walked with Anthony into the stadium with a sigh as he went to go check on the players.


St. Louis Spears v.s. New York Jets
1st Quarter, 15:00

"Alright, welcome to Thursday Night Football on Fox. We're here live about to watch the St. Louis Spears play their first game. How are you feeling, Tim?" One of the commentators, Aaron, said.

"I'm feeling wonderful, Aaron. Really excited for this game... uh, yea, St. Louis has NFL legend quarterback Tom Brady here and uh, I think it's gonna be a really good game. Y'know, we've got eight new teams, a- a whole new division and,"

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