Jingle Bell Rock

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Booker stood around Rockefeller Center with his warm jacket and his St. Louis Spears winter hat, watching the lights on the Christmas tree gleam before him. He walked around.

"Hey, Book." He heard Forest appear behind him, "Oh, hey Forest."

"Watcha doin'?"

"Nothin' really. I was gonna go head over to the skating rink." Forest nodded and replied, "Well, I've got girls," And guys, but mostly girls, He added mentally, "to flirt with."

Booker rolled his eyes as Forest walked off. The (backup) quarterback walked to the skate rental and grabbed himself a pair of skates.


"Oh God." He breathed, stepping onto the skating rink. Holding on to the side wall, he inched forward slowly, taking deep breaths; Each one of them showed up in the cold air. Booker slid along the wall, shaking. Partly from the cold, and partly from the fear of falling. "Need help, bud?" Forest grinned.

Booker glared at him in return.

One step after another, he moved. Slowly and quietly. The Christmas music was loud, filling the air. Then..

He squealed and let go of the wall, his skates skidding on the ice. The quarterback slipped and slid, landing on his tailbone. "Ouch." He took off his hat and rubbed his head. "Need any help?" A voice asked from behind. Booker froze, Oh God, a person. He thought, turning around to see who had spoken. A pretty girl with light skin, medium length fawn brown hair, and light green eyes stood by him. "I-" he uttered, gulping. Jingle Bell Rock began playing in the background.

"Hello?" The girl said awkwardly. "I uh.. hi?" Booker replied, fazed. Forest whizzed by on skates and yelled, "He's shy!"

"Who's that?"

"No one- " He scrambled to his feet, slipping on the ice. There was an awkward silence. "Uh, I'm...uh..um.. Booker."

"I'm Olivia-" A paper airplane flew into her. Confused, she picked it up and opened it. Written on it was a phone number, with a note that said, "Booker's." She looked at Booker, then to where the plane came from, and then at the plane.

"Oh my God." Booker murmured. Forest. He thought, rolling his blue eyes. Once more, Forest whizzed by with a thumbs up and a pen. "Uh, s-sorry about h-him.." The young quarterback sighed, humiliated. Olivia nodded and looked back down at the paper, "I'll keep this in mind.."


Beep, beep, beep.

Luke Olsen woke up to the sound of his cellphone ringing. Checking the time, he rubbed his head. "Jeez, I woke up late.... good nap though." He said. "Text from coach..."

Coach Herman, 5:23 pm:
Hello friend. Just letting you know about our Christmas gathering the 23rd.🎄🎉

Luke Olsen, 5:23 pm:
Oh mk. What time?

Coach Herman, 5:28 pm:
Around 6:00 in room #106 at the hotel. I'm counting on you to tell your teammates. You guys can all bring presents and cookies and drinks and stuff if you like, but me and the other coaches are buying presents.

Luke Olsen, 5:30 pm:
Got it coach. Will do.👍

He put down his phone, going into his closet to grab a leather letterman jacket and a pair of Adidas slides. He slipped on the jacket and put his slides on, creating a 'going to the gas station in the middle of the night' vibe.

Luke smiled as he heard claws on the floor and bumping along the hallway. "Who's a good boy?" He called. Then, a german shepherd came bolting towards him, almost knocking him down. "Easy, Sam," He laughed. Luke grabbed a black leash off the wall and hooked it onto Sam's collar, "C'mon, boy." He urged, tugging gently on the leash.

The New TeamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora