Another Fight for the Spears

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"Just a couple minutes ago 6 time Super Bowl Champion Tom Brady was carted off the field, a foot and elbow injury. Backup quarterback, rookie Booker Ross is now on the field. How are you feeling about this Adam?"

"This team has no chance. They are already down by 17 and with their quarterback gone, and, mind you, that quarterback is the Tom Brady, there is no chance for the Spears."

"I disagree-"

"Why, what makes you disagree with me about this."

"The connection between Whishmonger and Ross. Before you interrupt me! Let me explain, during college, these two destroyed their opponents on the field, they could basically read each other's minds. It was touchdown after touchdown when Forest would play as a Wide Receiver, which happened every game when their coaches saw the connection."

"That was college, this is the NFL, I will be surprised if the Spears even score."


Forest ran down the field, he looked up to see nobody around him. "Well this makes it a lot easier," he said to himself, turning to catch the ball that Booker chucked down the field. Marcus Peters must have realized that he messed up bad because as Forest caught the ball and began to continue onto the endzone, he was sprinting as if he was on fire.

Forest trooped into the end zone, untouched. He chucked the ball into the stands, screaming.

On the sideline, the Spears players off the field gaped at Booker. "Did he just throw a 60-yard touchdown pass and did Forest catch it and score?"

"So that's how they broke records, Forest would run circles around people and Booker would just chuck it downfield."


"A beautiful touchdown pass from Booker Ross to Forest Whishmonger, Marcus Peters is very frustrated with himself, as he was supposed to be man to man with him but most likely assumed that Ross couldn't throw to where Forest was, which was clearly not the case. And after Tom Brady got carted off the field, things have been very chippy between these two teams, the Spears got into a fight with the Giants, although it was not their fault, and while Brady was on the ground injured, they were fighting."

"Wishmonger, who has two touchdowns today, has been involved with both fights, and another fight will not go well, and it won't be good if he gets suspended for the Spears."

"If you watch any of his college games or some practices we know that he can be quite hot-headed and has an attitude. At practice he and the quarterback coach, Burbach got into an argument, him defending Ross and Burbach was just ripping into the backup. Wishmonger was then taken out for the rest of the practice and was given a talking to about respecting coaches by Head Coach Micheal Herman."

"And look at that, another fight for the Spears, although luckily for Wishmonger he is not on the field."


"Oh my god!"

"Blessed be the Lord's name."

"Whatever you crazy Catholic."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing!" Luke shouted, jogging away.

Forest stood, studying the fight to see what players on each team were most involved. "Brandon might get tossed unless somebody pulls him away. Matthew! Get Brandon!" Matthew nodded, dragging Brandon away quickly. Loehrer took hold of the cornerback, talking lowly.

The fight slowly dispersed as the Spears got pulled off the field. Herman made the players who were on the field sit on the bench. "Houston, Bethea, talk to them first, then Wishmonger talk to the younger ones. They need to hear it from someone their age."

The three nodded, Justin and Antoine stood in front of the defense as Forest stood to the side. They quickly talked to them before sending the rookies to Forest. Forest smiled reassuringly at them. "So, I am not one to talk about getting in fights. I am just going to start this off by asking, is everyone okay?" They all nodded. "Great. So, let's just continue on with the game, don't start anything, ignore the confrontation. I believe in you guys, let's go eat some bird for dinner."


"I can't believe he-"

"Don't swear!"

"I wasn't going to! I can't believe he said that to Forest."

"I can't believe he said that to Forest and Forest didn't punch his face in."

"He would probably get suspended if he did, smart Forest."

"But that was such an a-"


"Okay, mom."

Antonio Brown rolled his eyes at the conversation between Herman, Luke, and Brandon. "So are we going to ignore the fact that we are not losing by two hundred points and only by fourteen?" he asked to no one in particular. Antoine shrugged, walking towards the bench.

Antonio jogged onto the field, standing next to Forest. Booker quickly told them the play. They all clapped, jogging into position. Antonio took off as the ball was hiked. He caught the ball before lateraling it backwards to Forest as he got tackled. Forest caught it, sprinting down the field into open space before getting shoved out of bounds by a safety.

"They really be pulling out all the tricks today," Matthew muttered, impressed. Justin nodded. "That was so fu-" "Freaking!" "Cool!" Brandon yelled.


"Well, Adam, what do you think about the Spears chances now?"

"I stand corrected, there are four minutes left in the game and the Spears are now down by just seven. I think they are in it to win it."

"If they win I say you have to jump into a pool clothes, just because of you doubting them."



"And Bethea intercepts it! Oh my God! He tanks his way to the 50-yard line! With seventeen seconds left in the game!"


Forest stood up quickly, knocking Booker off the bench. "Oh my god!"

"Blessed be-"

"Shut up Porter! Antoine just picked the ball!"

There was silence as the whole sideline faced Herman, eyebrows raised. Herman sighed. "Offense! What are you doing, get on the field." Forest nodded. "Where is my helmet?" Booker held the helmet out, adjusting the strap on his own.

They all ran onto the field. Luke smiling. "Okay, lets go with shift frog, tomato x. shift frog tomato x."

They all clapped, jogging to position.

"Ready! Set hike!"

Maurice hiked the ball, blocking. Forest, Joshua, and Antonio ran down the field. Luke and Max stayed closer, ready to catch in case of emergency. Booker chucked the ball down the field to a wide-open Forest. Forest sprinted into the enzone, two seconds left on the clock. "Okay, okay we still have to go for two."


"And Thorton catches the ball! The two-point conversion is good! The Spears win it!"

"Do I actually have to jump into a pool?"



The team all crashed into each other. Ryan threw Forest over his shoulder. "You got the touchdown!" Ryan yelled at Forest. "Forest yelled back, "You got the conversion!"


So this is the end of the story being kind of focused on Booker and Forest. Get ready for craziness. Sorry, this took so long.

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