Practice is Fun! Said no one ever.

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New Character: Raphael Arevelo: Never asks for help, great friend, has a spoiled dog that Brandon steals, likes alcohol, allergic to shellfish, #83

Forest jogged onto the field, not only was he not late, he was forty-five minutes early, it was 5:15 in the morning. "What are you doing here? Are you sick?" Madden jogged out of the trainer's office where he, Antonio, and the equipment staff were getting ready for practice. Forest looked up from where he was tying his cleats. "I woke up 4 in the morning, got a call from my boyfriend-"

"You have a boyfriend?"

Madison, a physical trainer, poked her head out. "Who has a boyfriend?" She asked. J.J. and Roberto followed her gaze to Forest.

"What's going on?" David N looked up from where he was organizing helmets. "Forest has a boyfriend," Ben responded, picking up a helmet and moving it to its correct place.

"Somebody would date him?"

"Forest has a boyfriend?"

"What is he like?"

"If you guys think I am telling you anything about him you must be delusional, y'all gossip too much."


Rowan, trotted onto the field with Sean, ready to get some kicks and punts in before the rest of the rowdy team arrived. He paused as he saw Forest already there. "What are you doing here?" He asked, plopping to the ground to tie his cleats. Forest stopped running suicides and sat next to him. "I woke up at four in the morning."

Rowan raised an eyebrow. "I thought you didn't even wake up until 5:30. I mean, you are always late." He stood and began stretching his legs, jogging a bit. Forest got back to his feet, turning and catching the ball Sean kicked at him.

Alea, a trainer jogged out to help Rowan stretch. She flexed one of his feet before pulling his legs backward. Forest continued running suicides as Sean also began to stretch.

He picked up his ringing phone. "Hello?" Booker's voice rang into his ear. "Where are you? I stopped by your house and it is empty, please tell me you didn't drive somewhere. You suck at driving."

"I am already at practice, I ran. I didn't have anything to do so I got here at like 5:15." Forest explained, shooting a glare at Rowan's grinning face. Booker sighed, hanging up.

"You guys are so cute," Rowan mused, grinning even wider as Forest began chasing him around the field. "What is going on?"

Forest stopped next to Brady. "Rowan is being a jerk." Tom rolled his eyes. "You poor child, go finish running sprints."

"Okay dad," Forest responded sassily, running off. "Did he just call you dad?" Antonio asked, stretching. The wide receiver laughed at the quarterback's face, sprinting after Forest.


"Guess what we're doing today!" Coach Herman walked into the field. "You are late!" Porter shouted. "And you are annoying, your point," Forest whispered, causing the players around him to grin and laugh.

"What." Porter glared at them. "Nothing!" Herman rolled his eyes, knowing that Forest had most likely insulted the coach. "It's a fun practice today! We have guests!"

"Practice is never fun."

"Shut your trap for once Forest."

The head coach sighed, rubbing his temple. "Guys! We have very important guests today, we are having a combined practice!" Booker's head shot up. "With who?" He asked.

"That would be us," a voice, almost like Kermit the frog's voice, said. The KC Chiefs all jogged in. The rookies all glanced excitedly at each other. Tom Brady sighed.

"As you can see, the Kansas City Chiefs are joining us for practice, so thank you all," he faked a cough, "Forest, for being on time, and not having to get fined."

"Yes! I don't have to spend half my paycheck for being late! And thanks for calling me out coach!" Forest grinned, ducking under Mario's arm, shoving his friend.


Forest and Mecole Hardman both took off down the field. Forest beat him to the bench. Tyreek Hill glanced at them, bursting into laughter. "Mecole you slow! Now I want to race him."

Forest grinned, catching the water bottle Booker tossed at him. He squirted half the bottle into his mouth before lining up next to Hill. The two took off, Hill beating the rookie to the other side. "Nobody can beat me! I am the cheetah! I mean, this kid could if he worked on a few things!" Hill bragged.

Forest grinned. "He complimented me! Booker! The Tyreek Hill complimented me, all your idol does is yell at you!" The guest players all glanced at Tom Brady who was throwing the football to Brandon. The linemen were shoving each other around, doing lineman things. Joshua and Max were talking to Deshaun Mecoy and Sammy Watkins. Watkins was trying to get Joshua to say things with his accent.

When he had first heard Joshua speak he had screamed, "Your wide receiver has a British accent!" Then he turned to Forest. "Do you have a french accent!"

"Why would I have a french accent?"

"The name Forest origins from France, right?"

"How do you know that?"

"I dunno."

Forest shrugged, jogging away towards Booker, he jumped on the quarterback's back, causing them both to fall to the ground. "You are so annoying."

"You love me."

"You wish."


"No no no, if you take shorter strides you can gain speed quicker, then you can take larger strides to cover more ground," Tyreek explained. Forest glared at him. "I am not running up and down this field again to do that. I need coffee."

The two stared at each other, eyes narrowed until Forest huffed taking off. "Shorter and choppier at first For- shorter and choppier Forest!" Tyreek yelled. Forest shook his head, taking shorter strides for about 30 yards before stretching his legs out.

Tyreek raised an eyebrow. "Good enough."

Forest plopped to the ground dramatically. Booker rolled his eyes, walking over to him with a water bottle. He squirted the water into the corner's mouth.

"I hate practice," Forest complained. Booker rolled his eyes again, trying to heave his friend to his feet. Giving up after a few moments, Booker began dragging Forest across the grass. Tyrann Matthieu raised an eyebrow as they all silently watch the two yell at each other, Forest cussing.

"They seem fun," Chris Jones murmured. Brandon nodded. "They are, well Forest is, Booker just keeps him alive.

Everyone turned at a loud whistle. Evan Porter was holding one. "Thanks, Ev, now, its time to scrimmage. Chiefs O on the field, they will go against the Spears D."


"You gotta be joking," Forest muttered before whining about how him being put up against Tyreek isn't fair. Booker rolled his eyes. "Booker, go console your boyfriend," Lorhererhe muttered. "He isn't my boyfriend," Booker responded, nonetheless jogging towards Forest.

"Forest, calm down, you got this, now go kick butt." Booker shoved him towards the huddle where the D-Line and rest of the secondary stood. "Great pep-talk."

"Shut up Rowan."

"Did you just say? Oh my, Porter, he said shut up."

Raphael whirled around, dramatically placing his hand over his chest, gasping out, "No!" Luke grinned. "He is all grown up," he exclaimed loudly causing the other NFL players to burst into fits of laughter. Booker threw a water bottle at Max, the running backs face dropping as it hit him in the head.

"If this is like all of your guy's practices, can we join every week."

"It is very rare we have a practice like this, because practice is fun, said no one ever."

The New TeamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora