The Quintet

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We are so sorry but we forgot about this account and book.

Rueben Bitfvoy: A little crazy, has a six-year-old brother he takes care of, nice, huge basketball fan, forgetful, had to gain weight to play in the NFL. Tackle.

Also, I am changing Max's name to Morgan because I can.


Mario, Brandon, Morgan, Rueben, and Raphael walked into the meeting room, laughing over a joke. Brandon sat down, lightly pushing his brother. They quieted as the coaches walked in, Herman and Conner looking very pleased. "Great game today everybody, you guys get Monday and Tuesday off. I will see you guys on Wednesday, have a good few days off, don't get arrested or injured while celebrating." The players all cheered, leaving the room.

"Let' go get drunk!" Brandon and Rueben yelled. Morgan sighed. "He is so loud." Brandon laughed, shoving his brother again. "This is abuse!" Rueben grinned, shaking his head.

Mario sighed. "Calm down children."

"I am three months older than you Mario."

"Well, you act like a child."

"Whatever you say Mar-Mar."


Morgan shrugged as Raphael and Brandon jogged away, Rueben walking over to the coaches to get his phone to check with the babysitter for his little brother, William. He patted Mario on the back. "Go call your girlfriend, she probably wants to congratulate you on the game- Brandon please don't touch that!" He sprinted off towards his twin, whispering under his breath.

Mario sighed, but pulled out his phone as he followed the rest of the team out. He clicked on his girlfriend's contacts, grinning as she answered. "Hey Andrea, babe."


Raphael sighed as he watched Brandon and Rueben play a very overcompetitive game of beer pong. Mario was drinking something while talking to Ryan and Matthew. Raphael stood, walking over and joining their conversation. "What's up?" Ryan greeted.

"I had to make sure Brandon and Rueben didn't kill each other. I also lost Morgan, have you guys seen him?"

"He was talking to a girl about skateboarding and dogs, her name was Micheala or Michelle or Micha, something like that."

"It was Micha, she has red hair so if you see her he might be with her."

"Okay, thanks, Ryan."

Raphael looked around, his eyes landing on a redhead. He followed her eyes to the person she was talking to. A certain running-back. He jogged over, nudging Morgan slightly.

Morgan turned towards him. "Hey Raphael, this is Micha, Micha, Raphael, my teammate. She skateboards."

"Cool, now that I have found you, I am going to make sure that crash wasn't Rueben or Brandon. Also, Mario has been on the phone this whole time with his girl. Nice to meet you Micha."

"You too." Micha grinned.

Raphael grinned, whispering in Morgan's ear, "She's cute, keep her, and if you get married I want to be best man-" Morgan punched his teammate, hard enough to hurt but not to make him throw up or anything like that.

The runningback than shoved Rapheal away, cursing slightly. Raphael jogged off, finding Brandon with Forest. "Brandon, where is Rueben?"

"No clue, I think he got a phone call from like, a babysitter."

"Oh good, he is being responsible for once."

Forest rolled his eyes. "He is probably more responsible than the rest of us. Taking care of his brother and all. That kid is smart."

"Wow, something smart came out of your mouth."

"I know, shocking."


Rueben sighed, getting out of his car and sprinting up the steps to the hospital. "I need to see Kaden Bitfvoy."

The receptionist glanced at him. "Relation?"

"I am his older brother, Rueben Bitfvoy."


Rueben quickly handed over his license.

"Room 204, go through those doors, take the elevator, then go down the second hallway to your left. The room should be the fourth one on your right."

Rueben nodded, murmuring thanks as he walked off. He stood in the elevator, rubbing his temples. When the doors opened he quickly excited, wanting to get to his brother. He turned the corner to find his babysitter sitting on the floor. "Lucy, what happened?"

"I went to check on him and he was on the floor, barely breathing."


The door loudly slammed as Morgan flew into his kitchen. Brandon glanced up from where he was sitting on the counter, talking on the phone with Raphael. "Hey."

"Hey yourself. Can you tell me why you thought it would be a good idea for you to just leave without telling me. I had to go get Mario who was speaking spanish basically the whole time to tell me."

Brandon chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, Mother. I am an adult and I wanted to come home. The dogs are in the backyard FYI."

Morgan sighed, opening the back door a telling for the dogs to come in. Walrus, Hailey, and Lupo all ran in together, panting slightly. He then opened the fridge. "I'm going to sleep."

"Okay, Imma go annoy Raphael. See ya."

"Bye brat."

Morgan snatched an apple off the counter before sprinting upstairs. He changed and brushed his teeth before plopping onto his bed, scrolling through Twitter. He liked a few tweets from fans, smiling at their reactions.


As he sipped his red wine, Mario ordered random things he needed from amazon. Yo soy Betty, la fea, was on his TV. "They both ugly, not only Betty," he mumbled, scratching his cat, Michi's, chin.


"You won't."

"I will."

"Please don't."

"Why not?"

"Because this could end in an injury Brandon so please do not jump out of the tree. Just climb down."


Brandon let go of the branch he was holding onto.


The corner landed on his feet his friend quickly climbing down after. Rapheal quickly looked Brandon over. "You are so stupid. I want to slap you- in fact I am."

Brandon tried to duck but was not fast enough. He began laughing. "That actually kind of hurt. Want to play madden?"

"Bet, ready to lose?"

"I don't think you have once beat me."


Raphael groaned as Brandon once again, scored on Madden. "This ain't fair."

"Life is not fair."

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