#3 - hey, mom

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I woke up to the sound of a notification from my phone.

Must be Naomasa.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and stretched before opening the curtains and checking my phone.

It's her address.

Yeah... I started to freak out.

ring ring


"What do I do?! What do I do! What if she doesn't like me? How do I introduce myself?! 'Why hello there mother dearest, I'm the child that you haven't seen SINCE I CAME OUT OF YOU'"

"Woah woah woah, steady there y/n. You're her daughter, of course she'll like you. I met her before when asking for her permission for Izuku to move into the dorms. She actually cares about him a lot and denied it at the beginning. She'll be more then happy to see you, I assure you, y/n."

I sighed in relief at his reassuring words, "Thanks uncle Toshi. That means a lot."

"No problem y/n. Just remember that everything will be okay. I'll see you at school."

"Alright, bye."

I hung up and readied my stuff for the reunion.

Does this count as the first time meeting her? I mean it's not like I can really say 'hey I remember you, you're the one that concieved me 15 and a half years ago!'

The taxi drive was way too quick and before I knew it , I was there. After climbing up the stairs I was at the exact address uncle Naomasa sent me.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

After a twist of a handle the door opened.

"Hello?" It was a sweet voice that came from a lady a few inches shorter than me. Before I could say anything her eyes widened and she let out a huge gasp and stepped back. Already there were large smiles plastered on our faces and tears of waterfalls running down them.

"Y-y/n?... Is that you, sweetheart?" She was barely able to speak while she was sobbing and hiccuping, still smiling right at me.

"Hey, mom." I lunged at her and pulled her into a tight hug, dropping my belongings in the process.
"It's been a while."




We laughed and cried. Informing eachother about the interesting events in our lives. About how I came to know about the whole situation at hand. And how much mom worried about Izuku before he know how to control his quirk.


I figured that Izuku wouldn't tell mom about One for All so I made sure not to spill anything about the subject.

Honestly, I was really nervous to meet him. I have no idea why but I felt my stomach twisting just thinking about it. And joining a new school? I haven't had much human interaction with anyone apart from my dad and occasionally my uncles for the past couple of years.

It was amazing being able to talk to my mom. Like a real mother daughter relationship. One that I never thought I would have had before.

"I'm really proud that both of my babies got into U.A.. But y/n?"

"Yeah, mom?"

"You have to promise me. Promise me that you'll take care of yourself."

I looked at her and saw her eyebrows furrowed as she looked into my eyes. The intense grip she had on her sweatpants. I saw a tear run down her face, giving me a look of hope and concern.

"Promise me that you'll take care of you and your brother and I'm sure he'll do his best to protect you too. I know you two are strong but I can't help myself from worrying about Izuku after all he's been put through."

"Mom," I put my hand on her shoulder and looked at her with determination in my eyes, "I promise. Nothing will ever take me away from you or my brother again."

She hugged me as tight as she could, taking in the moment that her daughter she hadn't seen since her birth was back home, in her arms. Even I let a tear slip, seeing how much my mother cared about me.

That night I slept in Izuku's room. It felt wierd, but it was only for the night. It had a few All Might stuff here and there which made me giggle about how much my uncle inspired him and that now he has inspired the man he looked up to. I figured out that there was more to the room but that most of it was taken out since he moved into the dorms.

It's tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm moving into the dorms. With my brother. Who I never knew existed. He still doesn't know I exist! But it will be funny when he finds out. I love surprising people with good news. At least I hope it's good news to him.

I'm also going to be living with other people! I haven't made friends since before junior high. And that's a long time ago. I hope my social skills haven't downgraded since then. Perhaps I'll just be myself and see who wants to befriend me. If they don't like me then oh well. Holy crap. I'm so damn exited but I'm shitting myself at the same time. The boxes of decor are probably already at the dorms. And I'm pretty sure that my other stuff is already in my room. Thank fuck. That would've been such a pain to move. But I wonder if-

"Y/n, honey, I think you should go to sleep now. You have a big day ahead of you!" My mom cut off my train of thought

"Oh yeah, you're right. Night, mom!"

"Good night y/n. I love you."

"I love you too, mom."

Saying that sentence out loud to the person I've always wanted to say it to plastered a large smile on my face. I turned off my light and snuggled deeper into the quilt. Shutting my eyes and relaxing my body, preparing for the day ahead of me.

Tomorrow I'll be starting at a prestigious hero school... crazy.


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