Harrison x Maggie [Competitive]

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Harrison x Maggie



Maggie groaned as she saw the familiar red and gold robes in the sky. She raised her fingers to get mouth and whistled catching the attention the Gryffindor team.

"Can we help you sweetheart?" Harrison asked cockily as he reached her height still on his broom. Maggie scoffed.

"Um yeah you can, actually sweetheart," she crossed her arms "You can tell me why the hell you're still on the field when it's Hufflepuff's practice time." Harrison's eyes widened a little before he looked at the watch on his wrist.

"Oh shoot, sorry didn't realise it was that time already." He shot Maggie a bashful smile before whistling to his team, indicating that practice was over.

"You know, the next game is Gryffindor against Hufflepuff-" Harrison started.

"You better prepare to get your arse whooped Star Boy." Maggie smirked at the teal eyed boy.

"Oh really? Well we better train extra hard then, Valentine." Harrison chuckled the smile on his face turned into a smirk that rivaled her own.

Maggie rolled her eyes, Gryffindor was currently in the lead with quidditch wins but Hufflepuff had been improving and she was sure that they would win this one with enough practice. Oh how what she'd do to win against Harrison Pendrake in his element.

"Get out of here Pendrake, wouldn't want to be accused of cheating would you?" Maggie moved her hands to her hips raising an eyebrow towards said boy.

"Course not Valentine, don't get your hopes up by the way, you're going to be the ones to get your arses whooped." He jumped off his broom and sprinted away from the Hufflepuff captain before she had time to process what he'd said.



Today was the day. Today Maggie was going to knock Harrison Pendrake off his high horse and take the win for Hufflepuff.

She tightened her laces on her boots and stood up grabbing her broom that was leant on the bench.

"Right team, today is our day, we can win this," She spoke as her team surrounded her "Today we take the throne from those Lions, you with me?" She asked gettimg a round of cheers from her team.

They made their way out of their tent onto the field, upon exiting cheers were heard and Maggie couldn't help but grin, she mounted her broom and flew up to where the Gryffindors were waiting.

"Ready to get beat Valentine?" She heard Harrison call out to her, rolling her eyes she replied.

"Are you?" Before flying to her position.

Now both teams were in position the game was about to begin, she could hear the announcer speaking and her grip tightened on her broom.

As soon as the game started Maggie was moving she needed to make sure she got to the snitch first once it was released. Her eyes darted around looking for the Gryffindor seeker.

'Where is he?' She thought to herself.

"THE SNITCH HAS BEEN RELEASED!!" The speaker yelled.

Just as it was said the snitch zoomed past Maggie, she cursed and quickly followed after it. Maggie was closing in on the golden ball but cursed aloud as a flash of red next to her threw her off.

"Language Valentine!" Maggie growled as she tried to catch up to the snitch and Pendrake again whilst dodging the other players.

Pendrake chuckled again as he heard her growl. His eyes focused on the snitch as he reached for it but at the last second it changed direction causing both seekers to almost crash into the wall.

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