Dolan x Maggie [Hogsmeade]

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Dolan x Maggie



"I can't believe you're making me go on this date." Maggie grumbled as she sat slouched in a chair.

"Oh stop complaining, you've spent the last few days complaining that you haven't been able to go anywhere." Lucy Prince argued back as she tried to tame Maggie's wild curls.

Maggie rolled her eyes and said, she had been complaining that they hadn't been allowed out since everything that had happened with Professor Petalthorn being kidnapped and Malekif attacking the school.

"When I said I wanted to go out somewhere I didn't mean on a date with Kaleb Daniels, I'm surprised he even knew that I existed." Maggie replied.

As soon as they were allowed out of the school grounds, Professor Hudley announced that they would be holding the annual Christmas hogsmeade trip.

Kaleb had asked her to go with him in front of the entire school, she hadn't even been able to answer for herself because her friends has already said yes for her.

"Can you just stop complaining and at least give him a chance I'm sure he's not as bad as you think." Lucy tried to reason with Maggie.

Maggie rolled her eyes yet again and helped as she felt a sharp tug on her hair. She turned around glaring at Lucy.

"Sorry, I'm done now anyways." Maggie sighed and levitated a morrow in front of her, turning her head to the side she could tell that Lucy can put her hair into a bun.

"Thanks Lucy." Maggie said with a small sigh and smile.

Lucy grinned and clapped her hands together.

"Now for you're outfit." Maggie groaned and held her face in her hands.


Maggie shivered and held her coat tighter as she waited outside the Three Broomsticks.

Kaleb had told her that he'd meet her there but he was late, over an hour and a half late.

It made her incredibly nervous about the whole situation. But she didn't let it show as she looked around the snowy village in hopes of seeing Daniels.

A silver and green scarf caught her eye and she held her breath as it moved closer.

A Slytherin girl walked into the Three Broomsticks with her friends and Maggie let out a sigh.

Closing her eyes, Maggie wrapped her scarf around her neck tighter as she prepared to head back to Hogwarts. As she started walking forward eyes following her feet, she gasped as she felt herself bump into something sending her into the snow.

A small squeak escaped her mouth as she hit the snow.

"Sorry Valentine." A hand appeared in front of Maggie and she took it as she stood up.

As she looked at the person in front of her eyes went wide.


He sent her a cocky smirk. Maggie sent him a frown in return.

"What are you waiting for let's go inside." Dolan said starting towards the Three Broomsticks. Maggie blinked as she stood frozen in her spot.

"What?" Was all she could manage to say as she turned to look at the Slytherin boy.

"Let's go inside already, you've been waiting in the cold for Merlin knows how long, do let's go inside and warm up." This time Dolan took Maggie's hand and lead her inside.

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