Percy x Maggie [Pretend] Part 1

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Percy x Maggie


Part 1

Pretend. That was all it was supposed to be, but that's not what Percy wanted it to be now.

Maggie had come to him asking for a favour, her cousin was getting married and had asked Maggie to bring her boyfriend. Expect Maggie didn't have a boyfriend, and the only boy she was close to was Percy Osborn.

That was what led to Maggie and Percy going to the wedding 'together'. They would pretend to date so her cousin was happy and then that would be it.

Unfortunately Maggie's cousin was more than happy to meet Percy, as were her parents. Which meant that their fake dating had to go on for longer since her parents kept inviting him over.

And now Percy had to deal with his ever growing feelings for Maggie, he knew he couldn't tell her, she had made him swear that they wouldn't catch feelings. At the time he'd found it funny, they way she'd set rules for them, but now it seemed like he was breaking all of them.

Her rules were as followed;

Rule one - He wasn't allowed to touch her or kiss her in front of anyone but her family.

Rule two - If anyone asked at school, they weren't dating.

and rule three - if either of them was to catch feelings at any point, they were to 'break up'.

Maggie hoped that they would only have to fake date for maybe a few weeks at the most. They were now hitting the 2 month mark.


"So Maggie, what's going on between you and Osborn, awfully close aren't you?"

Maggie rolled her eyes and looked up from her book. Seeing her fellow hufflepuff watching her expectantly from her spot on Maggie's bed.

"He's my friend Lucy, can I not have a male friend without something 'going on' between us?"

Maggie closed her book knowing she wouldn't be able to finish it without interruption now.

"Oh don't be dramatic of course you can, just not you and Osborn, you two are a different story." Lucy countered with a smirk.

"And why is that?"

"Well recently a friend of my sister told us that she'd seen you two out for lunch with your parents, which by itself seems usual, but what surprised me was that he kissed you goodbye before leaving."

Maggie's eyes went wide as she heard what Lucy had said. How was she supposed to explain herself now?

"Listen Lucy before you get any ideas I swear-"

"Percy Osborn kissed you!" Another voice yelled excitedly.

Oh no.

"Oh now you've got to spill!" Maggie looked between the two girls now looking at her expectantly. She gulped as she tried to think of the best way to explain herself.


Maggie sighed as Lucy Prince and Poppy Hale trailed behind her begging for her to tell them more about her and Percy.

"For the last time Percy and I are not a thing!" Maggie yelled, frustrated.

Lucy and Poppy looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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