A/N An Apology

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I'd like to apologise for the lack of updates on this book.

I have not lost interest in it, but I was incredibly busy with school and life.

With the current situation with the Corona Virus, I have been on lockdown which has given me a lot of spare time.

I'm hoping to go through and finally upload the long awaited Percy oneshot.

Hopefully followed by a Rowan oneshot, I'm praying that I will have the inspiration to wrote something I am happy with.

Regarding the Percy oneshot I decided to go back and rewrite the whole thing I just wasn't happy with it at all.

I hope to get into a routine of writing more as it is something I thoroughly enjoy.

I will also be changing the title of the book and the cover will be redesigned.

There will be more information about that in the next few days.

Stay safe readers.

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