Sea x Maggie [Flowers]

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Sea x Maggie



Maggie blinked as she inspected the bouquet of blue roses in her arms. They'd been left for her outside the Hufflepuff common room, who had left them? Maggie wasn't sure.

She headed back to her room as was greeted with gasps and questions.

"Who are they from?"

"Who do you think left them?"

Maggie sighed and placed them on her nightstand. It was sweet of someone to leave her flowers but if she didn't know who left them, how was she to thank them?

"I don't know who left them but they couldn't have been from another Hufflepuff otherwise they'd have been left in the common room." Maggie answered her noisy roommates.

She turned around with her hands on her hips "now can we stop asking questions and go to breakfast? I'm starving." And as if on cue her stomach grumbled loudly causing the girls to laugh.


"He's staring at you again Maggie." Maggie turned around in her seat to look at the Gryffindor table and of course there he was staring at her again.

"I don't think he's staring at me Kelsey." Maggie said turning back around. Kelsey scoffed.

"Oh really then who could he be staring at then?" Maggie shrugged and swallowed her toast.

"Kelse he could literally be staring at any girl that's caught his eye, it is Sea Rivers we're talking about here." Kelsey sighed and rolled her eyes before dropping the subject.

Maggie didn't believe her own words, she could practically feel his eyes burning holes into her head. Why he was staring at her, she didn't know. She'd only ever spoken to him briefly in potions and maybe in other classes but that was it.

Whilst he was rather cute, not that she'd admit it out loud, Sea and his friends were known for their pranks and their bad habit of getting in trouble. And Maggie could not afford to end up in detention again, she had work to catch up on since she'd missed loads of work after her 'accident'.

Maggie's hand instinctively moved to brush against the scars on her face. She shook away the memories before sighing 'maybe he's staring because of the scars...' and the rumours that came with them.

Many had assumed she'd been attacked by an animal during her dare to enter the Forbidden Forest. Which was partly the truth.

Now feeling self conscious, Maggie stood up from the table abruptly "I'm going to head to Herbelogy" was all she said before she left.


"Good morning Valentine." A stoic voice said as she sat down.

"Morning Glaad." Maggie responded as she took her books out for the lesson.

Maggie wasn't exactly friends with Rowan Glaad but they were partners in Transfiguration and since Professor Rust had changed the seats they were now sat next to each other in Herbelogy as well.

"Somethings on your mind." The way Rowan said it made it sound more like a statement then a question which made Maggie inwardly roll her eyes.

"I got flowers this morning," Rowan's eyebrow went up and she nodded for Maggie to continue "they were blue roses..."

They had been learning the meanings of different flowers and colours of flowers in the previous lesson. So both girls knew what message the flowers conveyed; the rose itself was a flower meant to convey love, whilst the blue was meant to signify mystery and intrigue.

Lions, An Eagle And A SnakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora