Chapter 6: A Trip To Mother Russia

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August 21, 2019- Flight to Moscow


"In Moscow, schools and universities start at September." UN explained, while we were walking to a car to get to the agency's airport with our bags. "So we're sending you there today so that you and Japan could prepare and make new adjustments there before the first day of college starts."

"Okay. " I said, nodding.

Eventually, we reached the car and got in.

I sat beside Japan in the backseat and UN sat in the front seat.

"America, here." She gave me a weird-looking tracking device. "Press that button over there." She said, pointing to a button on the top-left corner below the mini-screen. I pressed it, and a mini hologram appeared from the screen.

It wasn't really clear to see, but if you see it in the darkness, then it would be clear to see.

"Wow, I didn't know you had advanced technology. " I said, amused.

"Well, thank Japan for that. Not only she's an agent, but she is a mechanic, too. It's her best one yet. " UN says, giggling.

I looked at Japan, who was smiling proudly.

"But our technology isn't that advanced yet, we're still finding a way to upgrade them." UN added.

"I'm not sure if I'll get used to using this, but thanks, Japs." I said, tucking the device in my pocket.
The driver starts driving and UN goes on her phone, dialing a number, while Japan looks out the window, like she's deep in thought.

I took this as another opportunity to chat with my friends.

It's been a while.

I couldn't be with them.

Well, at least I kept my promise.


We arrived at the agency's airport. (Wow, this agency owns a lot of stuff.)

We got out of the car, and I noticed that someone was waving at us at the doorway of the plane. There were three countrypeople, but I can't tell who they are, as we weren't really near the plane yet.

When we got to the plane, I figured out who was waving at us- Germany. China and South Korea.

"Like I said, these three are coming with you both. They will also be going to the same university you both will be going, and have different identities." UN says.

"South! Where on earth have you been?!" Japan's eyes lit up as she saw South. She runs towards him, hugging him.

I mean, she isn't wrong; we haven't seen South after a few weeks ago.

"Japan...why the nickname?" South exclaimes, smiling brightly, although his face was twisted in frustration. I look back, which I see Germany almost laughing to death, he was trying so hard not to laugh. Probably because of how Japan hugged South. And China, who looks away, seeming a little jealous.

Huh, so him and Japs really are dating.

I walked over to him.

"Dude, chill. They're just friends reuniting. Besides, I'm pretty sure Japan loves you more."

As I was done, I stood back up, with a smirk. China was blushing pink, seems like it's true.

"Chill, Japs, I was just taking a break from working. " South says, after Japan let go of him.

Japan then starts laughing, and then we ended up laughing altogether.

UN was about to leave when she told us one thing that gave me bad vibes.

"But whatever you do, don't you even dare go near UI's headquarters. Understood?"

"And then, when I opened the door, I caught Austria looking at my yaoi fanfic!" Japan exclaimed. We all then started laughing.

"What? It's not funny! I told her not to look at it!"

Just a few weeks ago, it seemed like Japan caught Aunt Austria looking at her fanfic after sending some papers to UN's office.

Probably Aunt Austria was curious about the book.

UN has left already, of course she had to, as this is our mission and she still has a couple of errands to do. The flight to Moscow takes 11 hours, as we're in my homeland.

We're actually in a business-class plane, since this is an 11-hour flight. It's pretty comfortable, to be honest.

While the others are still talking, I drift off to sleep.

Yeah, another CLEFhanger(only SCP fans would know this joke).
Pretty short, I guess? Yep. The reason? Just look.

(Sksksk mah camera isn't good-)

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(Sksksk mah camera isn't good-)

There's also a wound on my elbow and my knee-but showing this should be enough. Today(Oct. 30, 2019), I had to participate in a fun run for one of our horror activities. I was just walking with one of my best friends when one of my classmates saw me and was like "Chrish! Let's run together!" And so she dragged me and then we began to run. As for my best friend, he ran to catch up with us and then was in front of me, when suddenly I tripped on his shoes(not shoelace, shoes), rolled and fell. My pants were even ripped! This wound on my hand didn't hurt, but for some reason it stings when I move it around.

And another announcement: I won't be posting until Nov. 7 because of exams coming up.


Bali now UwU

Word count(yes, and this): 879 words

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