This is totally NOT a joke- {April Fools Celebration}

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"So....are you sure this is not a prank?" America raised an eyebrow as he walked down the apartment's stairs with Germany. "You know I can't be fooled that easily."

"What? Of course not, why would I trick you?!" Germany replied as he panicked.

Apparently, he rushed into America's room telling him that Russia accidentally let go of the knife he was holding while he was helping Germany cook tonight's dinner.

So now the knife is stuck in Russia's arm.

"Wait a minute, how was that even possible?" America asked as he walked into the apartment's kitchen. "He was trying to catch the knife, WHICH I told him not to, but he failed to catch the knife anyway and the knife landed on his arm." Germany replied, burying his face in his hands.

America walked further more into the kitchen to see an amputated bloody arm on the table, with Japan panicking and on the phone, South Korea unconscious on the ground and China and Russia screaming at each other.

"WHY DID YOU CUT MY ARM?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Russia screamed, wincing in pain.

"I- I....I DON'T KNOW!" China screamed back, holding a bloody katana that belonged to Japan.

"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?"

"Uh, yeah, hello, 911, my friend's right arm had been amputated, and it's on the kitchen table, and my other friend has fainted after witnessing my other friend's arm get detached-" Japan replied to the phone but Germany hung up.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING?! JAPAN, 911 CAN'T REACH US HERE BECAUSE WE'RE IN RUSSIA!" Germany screamed. Everyone stayed silent. Then Germany turned to Russia and China.

"And Russia, you shouldn't be shouting or you'll end up losing more blood!" Germany approached the two.

"And who told you to chop off Russia's arm?! I said 'stop the bleeding while I go get America', not 'chop off his arm to stop the bleeding while I go get Ame'! Even Japan knows not to amputate his arm!" Germany shouted, shaking China back and forth. "Christ, even South has fainted!"

America rushed over to Russia and looked at him, in shock. "Bitch, what the fuck! Why are you so clumsy?! You could've died!" He shouted at Russia, tears forming in his eyes.

"Ame, my arm wasn't amputated at all..." Russia replied, revealing his right arm. America's eyes widened in confusion, then he looked at the arm on the table, then at Russia's, then the arm on the table, then at Russia's again....

"APRIL FOOLS!" Everyone said in unison.

Except America. And South Korea....the fake arm made by Japan looked so real, South Korea really thought someone's arm had really been amputated. So he fainted while Germany was upstairs getting America.

"Wait...what?" America said in confusion, wiping his tears. Russia stood up and hugged him, since his boyfriend cried being worried for him....

"I was fucking worried for you, and this is what you do to me?! Traitor! Even all of you guys joined in!" America kept hitting Russia. "Hmph, I even never got the chance to prank you guys yet! And I was so sure that this was a prank!"

"Well, yeah...but Southie-kun fainted after seeing the arm." Japan says. "So South wasn't part of this at all?" America asked.

"No. If he was, he would've stood back up saying 'April Fools', too, or just stay in his room, not participating in this prank." China replied.

"So, what do we do with the body?" China asks. "We burn it!" Japan replies, smiling.

"This is why I had to stop South Korea from showing her walkthroughs from Yandere Simulator..." Germany mumbled.

"Hold on, the arm wasn't real, but South fainting was real. But what about the 911 call?" America asked, pulling away from Russia. "Japan, you called 911, didn't you?"

"Oh, uh....gotta go! I have to finish my RusAme fanfiction now, byeeeeee~!" Japan shouted out as she ran up to her room.


"Huh...? Ame, where are you going?" Russia asked as he felt America pulling himself away from the cuddle.

"I'm going to get the others back." America replied, jumping out of bed.

"But it's three in the morning..." Russia said, looking at the alarm, half-awake.


●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● April Fools?

Just wanna post this to prove that Different Identities isn't over yet! Just honeslty having a hard time with Chapter 18.

I swear, this and then no more interruptions!
Gtg now!

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