Chapter 17: Comfortation And Past Stories

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"Don't you guys think.... Something's wrong?" America asks, turning around on his chair. He was holding a report for his class that he was working on.

"What do you mean?" South looks up from his laptop. South, China, Germany, and Japan were in America and Russia's shared dorm together. It was the holidays, but they still had unfinished work to do that was due the next year.

"Like, what if UN's theory about Russia was true, but there was a slight twist to it? Like, a catch that she didn't tell us?" America replies, putting his report down on his desk.

"What makes you think that? " China asks, folding his arms. "Remember when UN told us not to even try to go near Union Industries? I had a weird vibe about it." America replies.

Everyone looked at each other uneasily.

"But we trust UN. She had always been there for us." China says. Then he sighed, thinking for a while.

"But I think you aren't wrong. It did seem like she gave us only half of the information, after all." China unfolds his arms.

"I'm going to agree here." Germany stood, keeping his things into his envelope. "Usually UN gives us the full information of each mission we take part in."

" I almost forgot why we were even friends with Russia in the first place..." Japan looks down, slightly disappointed.

"Wait, guys, look at this!" South exclaims as the group gathered beside South to see what he found in his laptop.

It had been a week after the Christmas party, and the countryhumans were just finishing some projects and reports that was due the next year. Russia wasn't in the dorms that day, as he said that he was going to spend some time with his siblings during the sembreak.



The article had a picture of Russia along with it.

"What the...?" America mumbled, eyes widened.

"This is so messed up." China said.

"That's it, it's about time we find out that Russian guy's secrets. And sneak inside Union Industries, too. We've waited long enough!" America exclaims.

Everyone else looked at each other. Well, it is the holidays indeed, so now was the perfect time to make their move.

"But we can't do it unless we have UN's permission!" Germany says.

"We....can...ask her?" Japan replies, making it seem like a question.

While the group gathered up their things, America dialled UN's number.

America hesitated before grabbing the phone.

There was a ring.

Then another one.

Then a third time.

"Yes?" UN's voice spoke in.

"Uh....hi, UN." America said. "Today, South saw an article about a local Russian theorizing about Russia being the son of Soviet-"

"Yes, I've read it. The Russian guy is anonymous and he posted the theory on social media. It went viral. It's also on the news right now." UN interrupted, followed by a stressed sigh. "Go on."

"South just found the article while searching up a translator for our reports, so then I declared that we should go and finally sneak inside Union Industries while the rest of us goes over to Russia to-"

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