Hi :3

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Please give me a while to explain something.

You know how Ame and the gang has to go to Moscow undercover in different identities?

I'm going to explain the fake names and identities that will be used here.

First, I'm going to start with Germany's. He was the easiest, as he had a lot of flags that I could use. The problem, of course, was the name. So since Germany was an only child in this book, I decided to choose a suggestion from the past for West Germany. (I found it on Wikipedia, btw.)

And so that's how West Germany was created in this AU

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And so that's how West Germany was created in this AU.

I know, I suck. But there's way worse.

China's was next. He did also had a lot of past and suggestive flags, and so I agreed on this one:

 He did also had a lot of past and suggestive flags, and so I agreed on this one:

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Again, the name was the problem. I actually ended up crying because I was having trouble with the countryhumans' fake names, and no, I don't regret making this book. Lol-

So then I was like, 'Okay, let's just not mention China's fake name until I finally find one for him.'


Anyway, next is South..... Yes, that guy.

I was struggling with the names, aGaIn, so I just went with PRK

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I was struggling with the names, aGaIn, so I just went with PRK. Cringe, right?

Now, Japan. Her fake name was Imperial Tokyo, which I made up. I guess it was easy making up fake names at that time....especially for Japan.... Now, for the flag, I made one myself, too. Yes, I did look at the flag of Tokyo, and when I saw it, I thought it didn't fit with the fake name. So I mixed two flags of Japan's-

 So I mixed two flags of Japan's-

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This one...And:


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This. And created this abomination over here:

And so there you have it, Imperial Tokyo

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And so there you have it, Imperial Tokyo.

Now, lastly, America. When I first made his fake identity I was like, "How about we just go with the Confederate States of America?" and there it was. I thought it was easy making Ame's fake identity, but past me just had to make one goddamn mistake: CSA's flag.

I made my own without realizing / forgetting that Confederacy already had a flag/ forgot CSA's actual flag. I am not from America and barely know its history, thank you very much. (Except that if you talk about Hamilton with me, I'd gladly talk about it lol-)

A few days ago, I decided to change it, because of realization, and when I did, fricking Wikipedia over here gave me the whole history of CSA's flag. I asked for a flag, it gives me a history of it. Wow.

So here it is, I guess I'm wrong:

And there you have it, Chrish's history of failures when making the fake identities of the main cast of 'Different Identities'

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And there you have it, Chrish's history of failures when making the fake identities of the main cast of 'Different Identities'.

Okay gtg now byeee-

Different Identities {A CH AU} [TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now