He's Real?

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After Mr. Fox left, Mrs. Beaver made me some warm soup as we rested around a warm fire. My arm hurt like mad and it was freezing. My cheeks were pink and my skin was turning a pale blue. My teeth clattered against eachother.

Susan and Peter seemed to be arguing quietly where Lucy and I could not hear them. Mrs. Beaver was fussing over me.
"Oh dear, you are so incredibly brave, but please refrain from such silly actions!" she fussed and Mr. Beaver laughed.
"Relax dear, she is one of five saviours," he said, "she's bound to be brave." I smiled as best as I could whilst shivering.

Suddenly, Susan raised her voice at Peter.
"Seriously Peter? Just admit it! You were too harsh on her!" she hissed and Lucy glanced at them. Peter scoffed in annoyance.
"I'm sorry, but she shouldn't believe-" he began.
"Don't be silly Peter! We are in Narnia, with talking animals, how can she not believe?"
"I-I don't know Susan, but-"
"Listen to me Pete, I love you, but you were way too harsh on her!"
"Well, what should I do about it then?"
"Ignore your pride and apologize!"

Lucy sighed as she turned back to us.
"What you did was awfully brave Arabella," she said with an adorable smile. I smiled back.
"Thank you Lucy," I replied softly.
"Aren't you cold?" she asked, "Would you like my coat?"
"Oh no Lucy! You need it so much more than I do!" I reassured her, "I'll be alright Lucy, thank you."
"But you'll get sick," she said.

"We should get moving now," Mr. Beaver said, "Aslan's camp is just over there by the stone table just across the frozen river." Peter and Susan walked over and sat near the fire.
"River?" Susan asked. Mr. Beaver pointed at a river far away.
"It's been frozen for 100 years," Mrs. Beaver smiled.
"It seems so far," Peter said.
"It's the world dear," Mrs. Beaver giggled, "did you expect it to be small?"
"Smaller," Susan concluded.

They began to start walking away. Lucy turned around and glanced at me.
"Come on Arabella, it's time to go!" she said and I nodded as I tried to stand up. Susan caught my wrist and helped me up. I thanked her as we began to walk. I trailed behind everyone as we walked. I felt out of place and it was awfully cold.

After a while, Peter slowed to walk with me. Susan glanced at us before she took Lucy's hand. It was quiet between us as we walked. Our footsteps were in sync. The goosebumps on my arms were probably visible to him by now. I shivered and let out a small whimper.

All of a sudden, an odd warmth wrapped around my shoulders and my eyes widened. I glanced up at Peter. He'd removed his coat and wrapped it around me.
"I-I'm sorry Miss Arabella," he stated, "I was too harsh, I shouldn't have said what I said."
"I forgive you," I replied, "but won't you be cold?" Peter smiled at me warmly as he patted my head.
"You're more important," he replied. I was about to argue when Mr. Beaver shouted.
"Hurry up!" he yelled at us. Peter chuckled.
"Is your arm okay?" he asked as we walked - a little faster to stop Mr. Beaver's nagging.
"Oh, it still hurts, but it's healing," I replied.
"It was an incredibly brave thing that you did."
"Thank you Peter," I smiled, "do you reckon that I'd still be able to play cricket with you?"
"With such an awful wound? God no!" he chuckled, "Though, with some practice, you'll grow better at it."
"Do you reckon?" I asked.
"Definitely," he replied.
"Hurry up!" Mr. Beaver cried. Peter rolled his eyes as we caught up to Susan and Lucy.

"Is everything sorted?" Susan asked and Peter nodded. We were quiet. He ice was incredibly slippery. Of course, I slipped and fell. I scraped my knee, making it bleed. Susan grasped my hand and pulled me up.
"Are you alright?" she asked.
"Yes," I nodded. Lucy started to yawn and Peter placed her on his back. We were walking at a normal pace.

"Come on, before we're old!" Mr. Beaver cried. Peter rolled his eyes.
"If he tells us to hurry up one more time, I'm going to turn him into a big, fluffy hat!" he threatened playfully making Lucy and I giggle.
"Hurry up son-of-adam, we don't have all day!" Mr. Beaver cried.
"He is getting a little bossy," Lucy agreed.

The next thing that I heard was the ringing of bells. My body froze. She was here... My eyes widened as Peter slid Lucy off his back. My heart began to pound against my chest. It was over.
"It's her! Run!" Mr. Beaver cried. My breathing grew heavy as everyone began to run. Peter grasped my hand as we ran. His hand was warm against my cold one. How were they so warm?
"Quick! Down here!" Mr. Beaver cried.

Peter dragged me underneath the ledge and held me close against his body. His arms were wrapped around me protectively, his chin on my head. His breathing was uneven. Susan sent a smirk his way which he ignored as he held me. Lucy snuggled against Susan as the bells stopped ringing.

"Maybe she's gone?" Lucy shyly asked in a whisper as she held Susan's hand. I chewed my lip in worry.
"I'll go and have a look," Peter said.
"No," I told him, "I wi-"
"No, you two are no good to Narnia dead," Mr. Beaver said.
"Neither are you Beaver," Mrs. Beaver cried.
"Thanks Sweetheart," he said as he kissed her cheek and went up.
"They're so cute," I whispered and Peter chuckled softly.

We waited for a while, poor Mrs. Beaver had begun pacing when Mr. Beaver jump scared us. He screamed. Lucy screamed too. Peter had held onto me tightly, his hand grasped a stick he'd found in the dirt.
"I hope you've been good, because there's someone here to see you!" Mr. Beaver cried excitedly.
"Pardon?" I asked as I climbed out of Peter's lap. I followed Lucy to the top of the ledge.

Standing beside a huge sleigh was none other than Father Christmas. I gasped in surprise as Lucy smiled brightly. I giggled as I grasped Susan's hand.
"I knew he was real!" I cried excitedly, making Mr. Beaver laugh. Lucy stepped forward.
"Merry Christmas Sir," she said.
"It certainly is, thanks to you Lucy," Father Christmas smiled.
"I thought there was no Christmas in Narnia," Susan said, she looked fed up. Peter nodded.
"It hasn't been for a hundred years. But now the Witch's power is crumbling," Father Christmas said with a chuckle as he indicated to a sack of presents.
"Presents!" Lucy and I cried in excitement.

"To Lucy, Eve's Daughter. These are for you." Father Christmas said as he handed a bottle of a ruby red liquid to Lucy, "The juice of the fire flower. If you, or one of your friends are wounded, one drop of this cordial will restore them. And though I do not expect you to use it, this." Lucy gently took the tiny dagger and smile shyly.
"Well, I think that I can be brave enough," she said.
"I'm sure you could. But battles are ugly affairs."

Father Christmas then pulled out a pair of twin daggers and a beautiful blue necklace. He smiled as he handed the daggers to me first.
"To Arabella, Eve's Daughter. I gift you the twin daggers forged by your Great Uncle. They will do well to keep you protected. And this crystal pendant. It will do well to keep you safe, do not lose it."
I hugged Father Christmas tightly as I clutched the gifts.
"Thank you!" I exclaimed.

I began to admire the necklace in my palm making Susan chuckle as she took it and clipped it around my neck.
"You're meant to wear it silly," she giggled, "isn't it beautiful?"
"Very much so!" Lucy cried.
"Peter?" Susan asked.

Peter had been stuck in a trance, his lips were parted and his eyes were wide as they were glued onto my face. Susan chuckled as she hit him lightly.
"Huh? Oh yes, wait, what was the question?" he asked.
"Young love!" Mrs. Beaver cried.
"Do you remember when we were young and in love Beaver?" Mrs. Beaver asked.
"Of course Sweetheart, I'd never trade it for the world," he said as he held her hand.
"The question was, doesn't Bella's necklace look beautiful?" Susan asked again. I glanced at the floor as I rocked back and forth on my feet.
"Oh, yes, of course," Peter said, his eyes meeting mine, "she's absolutely stunning," he smiled. My cheeks grew pink as I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"Thank you Peter," I smiled back. Lucy and Susan giggled.

Father Christmas cleared his throat as he held out a bow and quiver. He handed them to Susan.
"Eve's Daughter, Susan. Trust in this bow, for it does not easily miss," he spoke.
"What happened to 'battles are ugly affairs'?" she asked. Father Christmas chuckled.
"And, though you don't seem to have trouble making yourself heard, this. When you put this horn to your lips and blow it, wherever you are, help will come." he handed over a beautiful horn which Susan took.
"Thanks," was all she said.
"And, Peter. These are tools, not toys. The time to use them may be soon at hand." Father Christmas handed him a sword and a shield.

"Bare them well! I best be off, winter is almost over and things do pile up when you've been gone a thousand years. Long live Aslan!" Father Christmas yelled as he rode off in his sleigh.
"Merry Christmas!" we all shouted in sync. Lucy shoved Peter with a smirk on her face.
"Told you he was real," she said.
"Did you hear what he said... winter is almost over. You know what that means... no more ice!" Peter sounded panicked and my heart throbbed.
"I can't swim!" I cried.

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