Being Killed by Ugly Dresses

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Too quickly, in my opinion, it became nighttime... my last night. Quietly, I sneaked out of the tent which I shared with Susan and Lucy. Then an awful dread filled my heart as I walked back in.
"I love you two," I whispered as I smiled, "you were the closest that I ever had to sisters, and you were the best. Susan, you were my best friend and I love you so much. Lucy, you were the light in my life, please keep shining, I love you." I kissed their foreheads as I walked out.

I then walked into Edmund and Peter's tent. They were sound asleep, Peter was snoring which made me giggle.
"I love you guys too," I whispered, "Edmund, I know you're scared of the witch, I am too. You are brave, and please, listen to your brother." I kissed his forehead before walking over to Peter's bed.
"Oh Peter," I whispered sadly as I caressed his cheek, "I hate to say goodbye, but I have to. Just... be brave, and please, please, please win this battle and get home safely. I leaned down to kiss his cheek but I stopped. "I love you Peter, I love you in a way that I don't understand." I kissed the corner of his lips before quickly leaving the tent and letting out a heart-broken sob.

Aslan was waiting for my by the clearing. I quietly made my way there and found the lion, sadly standing. Once again, he apologized. He bowed his head in shame.
"Enough with the apologies," I snapped, "let's just get my murder over and done with." Aslan gloomily began to lead me through the trees.
"What am I to do in order to repay you?" he asked.
"I ask that you look after Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Susan," I said, "though, it isn't very humble of me to expect something in return for my literal sacrifice."
"You are still quite humble My Lady," he replied.

All of a sudden, there was a rustling in the trees. I whipped my head around, feeling for my daggers. They weren't there. I'd left them with Susan. I squinted and saw a familiar brown hair of Lucy.
"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Aslan inquired. Lucy and Susan revealed themselves sadly.
"We couldn't sleep," Lucy said with a smile.
"Please, Aslan, may we come with you?" Susan asked as she hugged me and handed me my daggers, "You left these behind."
"Keep them," I said, "I don't need them."
"We would be glad of the company tonight," Aslan said gloomily as we made our way further into the forest.

"It is time," Aslan stated as we reached an archway, "From now on, Arabella and I must go on alone. Thank you Susan.Thank you Lucy. And Farewell." Once out of earshot, I turned to Aslan suspiciously.
"Why are you acting like you're the one who is being sacrificed?" I asked and he chuckled softly.
"I am afraid that I have business to attend to elsewhere," he said sadly, "if you carry on in a straight line, you will find your way. Good luck Lady Arabella, and once again, I am so terribly sorry." He bowed his head before he disappeared into the wood.

I shivered slightly in fear, as I journeyed by myself to my death. How fun. Sighing, I froze when I heard the sounds of Jadis' army. I was terrified, I was scared. I wanted to turn back, but I couldn't. I had to do this, for Edmund and for Narnia.

"Let's get this over with," I whispered. Braving it, I put on a cocky face and smirked as I walked through the arch. After a while, I saw the Witch. She was standing at the stone table, wearing another one of her heavy and ugly dresses. I waved to her.
"Funny, I didn't expect to see you here," I said as I stood, hands on hips staring at her, "also, what is that dress? It's hideous!" Perfect, I'd already pissed off the witch who was about to sacrifice me.

"Bind her," the Witch ordered. All of a sudden, I had feisty and angry creatures jumping on top of me and tying me up. The ropes burned and the one in my mouth tasted like blood. I was dragged up to the stone table by my hair.
"Wait!" the Witch cried and the awful cheering stopped, "let her be shaved first!"

I'm sorry... WHAT!?

I had agreed to being SACRIFICED not SHAVED! Great, now I'm not even going to look good when I'm dead! What a disaster.

The cruel witch pulled my up by my hair and began to cut at it with a dagger. I wanted to scream. I valued my hair, it's was genetic, Father had blonde hair, Grandmother had blonde hair... before the curse killed them of course.

Once my hair was cut unevenly, the Witch spoke. Wow, I really despised her voice. It was almost as horrid as her awful dress.
"Tonight! The Deep Magic will be appeased, but tomorrow, we will take Narnia, forever!" she cried. As if. My Darling Peter will kill you! Wait... did I just call Peter- No, no I did not! Nope. I should be focusing, I'm being sacrificed here! Why at my death bed, am I thinking about Peter Pevensie?

The Witch glared down at me and smirked evilly as she played with a dagger.
"You know, Little Cursed Queen, I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you really think that by giving your life you would save the Human boy? Ha. You are giving up your life, and saving no one. So much for love." I snorted. Well, logically (as Susan would say) you're wrong.

"In that knowledge... Despair... and DIE!!!!!!" she plunged the dagger into my heart making me scream in agony, though it was muffled by the bloodied rope. The stab burned, the blade had obviously been poisoned. I groaned as my head lolled to the side, my eyes closing.

"The Cursed Queen, is DEAD!" the Witch screamed and the crowd cheered. Gee, thanks a lot, I really wanted people to cheer when I died. Once again, the darkness embraced me... only this time, no magic water God came to save me.
"General, gather your army and prepare for battle. However short it may be." A loud roar was the last thing that I heard before I fully passed.

Susan Pevensie's PoV

I watched in horror as the Witch pierced the blade through my best friend. My heart clenched and the tears fell as I heard her muffled, blood-curdling scream. Lucy buried her face into my stomach as the monstrous people partied and celebrated. Once the 'party' had finished and everyone had left, Lucy and I ran down to Arabella.

I collapsed into her, sobbing when I reached her. I should've gone done to save her, I would've if it didn't mean that Lucy was in danger. Lucy, who was sobbing too, unscrewed her potion.

"It's too late. She's gone. I'm sure she knew what she was doing." I told her sadly. Lucy sobbed even harder as she gripped Arabella's hand.
"So she's gone?" she whispered, "forever?" I burst into a fresh set of tearful hysterics.
"I'm sorry Lucy," I whispered, "we have to go back."
"We can't just leave her here!" Lucy protested and I sighed.
"I know, but we need to tell the others," I said.
"The trees," Lucy whispered.

Peter Pevensie's PoV

My heart stopped beating. I'd woken up with the strangest dream of Arabella, and then I get this?
"Fear not my princes. I come with tidings of grave news from your sisters..." the Dyrad said, "Queen Arabella Kirke... has been sacrificed on the Stone Table." I couldn't focus. Edmund gasped in horror and my mouth fell agape.
"N-no! This h-has to be some kind o-of sick joke!" I stammered. Edmund glanced at me.
"I don't think that it is Pete," he whispered, "l-last night, I had a weird dream about her which seemed so, so real. And this morning, Susan, Lucy and Arabella were no where to be seen! Even Aslan has disappeared!"
"But-" I began, my heart clenched tightly, making it hard to breathe.
"Pete," Edmund said, "I-I think that she sacrificed herself in place of me. The Witch always hated her b-because Arabella was the only one who could kill her."
I growled angrily.
"I'll kill the Witch."
"Pete! She's too dangerous!"
"No Edmund! S-she just killed the girl t-that...that I'm madly in love with."
"Oh Peter," he said as he pulled me into a tight hug. The tears fell as I collapsed to my knees and cried in my younger brother's arms.

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