Meeting My Victim

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"Bella? Are you alright?" Susan asked as I pushed my hand against my chest to attempt to cease the pain. I nodded as I gritted my teeth. How believable! Lucy grew worried as she glanced up at Susan.
"Shall I go and get Aslan?" she asked and Susan nodded. The small girl ran as fast as she could over to wherever Aslan was. I shook my head as Susan reached out for me.
"I-I'm fine Susan, I really am," I whispered with a forced smile. Her eyebrows furrowed as she glanced at Peter in worry. I tried to smile again but fell forward into her. Why am I so weak all of a sudden? It has never been like this before.

Lucy ran back over with Aslan by her side. She panted as she turned to Aslan. He looked devastated.
"Will she be okay?" she asked. He glanced at her and smiled.
"Of course she will," he said softly, "Susan, Peter, can you return Arabella to her bed please?" he asked and Susan nodded, "Lucy, can you please help me find Doctor Thorrn?" Lucy nodded as she ran off screaming for the Doctor. Peter lifted me up bridal style as Susan quickly hurried to the tent to fix the bed. My head hurt like crazy.
"Oh," Aslan said, "Arabella," Peter turned to face the large lion, "the closer that you are to her, the more that it hurts. She's on her way, brace yourself." I nodded sadly. Peter began to walk away, confusion was written on his face.
"What was that about Arabella?" he asked, I smiled softly as I dismissed it.
"It's nothing to worry about Pete," I said, "I guess that it's just the after effects of the wolf bite." Peter obviously didn't believe me, but he dropped the topic.

I was carried into the tent and placed on my bed. Peter tucked me in and waited with Susan for this Doctor. Finally, the Doctor arrived with Lucy and Aslan. The doctor was a fairy, she was extremely beautiful. She had flowing red locks and brilliant green eyes. Freckle dotted her nose and cheeks. Her skin was golden and she had green wings too.
"Hello," she smiled, "my name is Doctor Thorrn."

After the Doctor left, I was told that I could get up. So I did, despite Peter and Susan's protests. I smiled softly at them. We headed down to breakfast where we found Edmund and Lucy.
"Hi!" I waved as I sat beside Edmund, "Are you feeling better?" He nodded as he scarfed down an entire slice of toast. The poor boy, he must not have eaten in a while.
"Narnia isn't going to run out of toast Edmund," Lucy informed. Edmund's cheek grew red in embarrassment.
"Leave the boy be Lu, he obviously hasn't eaten in a while! Besides, in his defense: the toast is delicious!" I defended him. Edmund thanked me and I raised my eyebrows.
"The witch broke you so badly that you have manners now?" I joked, Edmund glared at me and I chuckled sheepishly as everyone laughed, "It's only a joke Little Ed." I winked as I bit into my own slice of toast.
"I suppose they'll pack some for the journey back," Peter said and Edmund stopped eating. I glanced at Peter sorrowfully. Susan sighed sadly.

"So... we're going home?" she whispered, I glanced at my plate. I wasn't so hungry anymore. I stopped eating and tried to stop the tears showing.
"You are, I promised I'd keep you three safe but there's no reason I can't stay and help," Peter said, "plus, Arabella is sick, she has to go back!"
"But they need all five of us!" Lucy retorted.
"Lucy! It's too dangerous! You almost drowned! Arabella did drown! And Edmund was almost killed!" Peter snapped.
"Which is why we have to stay," Edmund spoke. We all looked at him.

"I've seen what the White Witch can do," he said and gulped, "a-and I've helped her do it, and we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it." I smiled as Lucy held his hand softly. Peter was about to argue.
"I have to stay anyway," I whispered and everyone looked at me, "t-to break the c-curse."
"What curse?" Lucy asked. Edmund took my hand gently, shocking everyone. His brown eyes stared into my eyes. He smiled warmly.
"I know Bella," he said as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, "it was all the old hag would talk about. I'll help you. I have an idea."
"You do?" I asked and he nodded as he leaned in and whispered in my ear.
"Break the wand, she's powerless without it."
"You," I said as I kissed his cheeks and forehead, "are you genius!" I pulled him in for a tight hug, "Thank you!" Peter seemed ticked off about this.
"Well, I guess that's it then," Susan said as she stood up. Peter glared at her.
"Where are you going?" he asked as she grasped her bow in her hand with a smirk.
"To get some practice."

I followed Susan and Lucy to the shooting range where Susan practiced her aiming. For a beginner, she was extremely good! I smiled softly as and idea popped int my head. I stood at the next archery post and aimed my dagger. I threw it, causing it to hit just outside the bullseye.
"You were so close!" Lucy cried as she threw hers hitting the bullseye. Susan and I shared a look of disbelief and shock whereas Lucy giggled.

"JADIS! JADIS!" I heard some awful chants. My heart began to ache worse than usual. I needed to brace myself. Ignoring the pain, Susan, Lucy and I ran over to where Peter and Edmund stood. I held a hand to my chest as I gritted my teeth. She had arrived in Aslan's camp. My victim, the witch.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan!" she cried out as she walked towards him. He glared at her, baring his teeth.
"His offence was not against you," Aslan spoke.
"Have you forgotten the deep magic?" she asked spitefully. I raised my eyebrows. What was with her dress?
"Do not cite the deep magic to me witch! I was there when it was written!" Aslan roared. That was an amazing quote.
"Then you will know that the boy belongs to me," she snapped as she pointed at Edmund, "That boy will die on the Stone Table."
"Come get him then," Peter sneered as he withdrew his sword.
"Don't you even dare to touch him you foul Witch!" I seethed as I drew my daggers. She cackled. What nerve.

"You think that a simple threat will deny me my right, little king?" she mocked, "Aslan knows that if I do not have blood as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned, and perish, in fire and water." My anger seethed, she glared at me. The pain in my heart increased as she walked over to me and gripped my chin. Peter aimed his sword at her.
"Get your hands off her," he sneered.
"Oh?" she feigned surprise, "What's this? Our Little King has fallen in love... with the Cursed Queen." She cackled. I smirked as I stared into her eyes, the pain increasing.
"Don't say such meaningless things," I snapped, "you might get my hopes up." I winked at Peter who rolled his eyes but smirked, "I hope that you are aware, Queen Witch Bitch - excuse my language, don't hurt me Susan - that I will be the one who kills you." I smirked as her eyes widened in horror, "The prophecy is never wrong after all!"

She growled as she dug her nails into my throat. I gasped as an impulse of ice traveled through my body. She let go after Aslan growled threateningly at her. My eyes grew wide as the blood truckled down my neck. It... it hurts so badly. I fell back into Peter who hugged me tightly.

"The Cursed Queen seems to forget," Jadis said coldly, "that I can increase the speed of her curse. In fact, I increased it just now." People gasped as my beautiful, blonde hair lost all color. I gasped in horror. Aslan growled.
"That was unfair, reverse it!" he said.
"Why should I?" she asked, "It's her own Grandmother's fault, is it not?"
"Therefore, Arabella should not take the blame!" he hissed. My heart pounded, it ached terribly. Jadis shrugged. "Enough! I shall talk with you, alone."

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