Third Time's the Charm!

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Lucy Pevensie's PoV

Susan and I fell asleep whilst clinging onto Arabella's body. She was so skinny and pale, she was so cold and lifeless. I missed her, I missed her already. Susan awoke and I looked at her with sad eyes.
"Oh Susan," I said, "I had hoped that it had only been a bad dream."
"Oh Lucy, I know," she said, "but we should go." She slid off the stone table and made her way back to the forest.
"I'm so cold," I whined as I followed her.

As soon as I stepped off the Stone Table, it collapsed. I screamed as Susan pulled me away from it in shock.
"Oh Arabella!" I cried, "Susan she-"
"What have they done?" Susan snapped coldly.

"That was probably the best night of sleep that I've had in a long time!" I heard the familiar voice of Arabella. Susan and I shared a glance just as I heard the sound of footsteps. I turned to see Arabella yawning and stretching. She was alive? Her hair was back, but it was white like it was when she was with that Witch back when we were at the camp. Confusion struck me.

"Arabella!" Susan and I cried out as we wrapped our arms around her. Susan sobbed into her shoulder as Arabella looked at us weirdly.
"Are you two alright?" she asked, "I only got sacrificed," Susan glared at her for the bad joke, "third time's the charm?" I giggled as I hugged her again.
"We saw the Witch, the knife," Susan said.
"Yeah, do you reckon that it'll scar?" Arabella asked. There was a new chuckle.

Arabella Kirke's PoV

The chuckle was from Aslan. I turned around to see him and he smiled softly.
"If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic a little differently. For she would know that if a willing victim who had committed no treachery died in a traitors stead, the Stone Table would crack and death itself would begin to unwind." He explained. I stared at him in disbelief.
"You could've said that!" I cried, "Now Peter's going to ask why I kissed him in his sleep!"
"Wait, really?" Lucy asked. Susan smirked.
"No," I replied with red cheeks. Susan and Lucy giggled.
"We sent the word that Arabella were dead. Peter and Edmund would have gone to war." Susan said sadly. My eyes grew wide.
"But they're only boys!" I cried and turned on Aslan, "I told you to look after them!"
"We have to help them!" Lucy cried as she withdrew her tiny knife. I glanced at Susan and battered my eyelashes. She chuckled and handed me back my daggers.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"We will, but not alone. Now, climb on my back. We have a long ways to go and little time to get there. And you might want to cover your ears." Aslan said. Lucy climbed on first, then Susan and then me. Aslan then roared horribly loudly making my head hurt.

He began to run through the woods. Lucy awed as she clung onto him.
"Aslan! How are you so fast with the weight of three queens on your back?" she cried out loudly.
"At least he doesn't have the weight if the Witch's dresses on him! He might not be able to move!" I cried back.
"What is with your grudge against the Witch's dresses?" Susan asked.
"I honestly, have no idea," I smiled sweetly.

Finally, we arrived at the Witch's house where Aslan hurries around bringing all the statues to life. I squealed when I saw Mr. Fox.
"Oh Mr. Fox!" I said, "You're alive!" I hugged him tightly and he chuckled. Lucy cried out.
"Mr. Tumnus!" she wept as Aslan brought Mr. Tumnus back to life. Lucy hugged him, as did Susan and I.
"Come, lets search the castle - others may still be trapped inside and Peter will need all the help he can get." Aslan informed.
"Aslan!" I cried out, "I'm going to go and help Peter."
"But Arabella-" Susan began.
"I am the only one who can kill the Witch! I have to Susan!" I cried as I climbed onto a centaur's back. Susan handed me her bow and quiver.
"Be safe," she whispered and I nodded and the centaur and I rode to the battle.

It took a while, but we finally got there. I sighed as I began shooting at the opposing side. The centaur was fast and very skilled, I liked him. All of a sudden, I heard Peter scream out.
"Ed! There are too many of them! Go! Get out of here! Get the girls, and get them home!" he screamed.
"Peter," I whispered, the Witch was getting closer to him, "Oh no!" The centaur began to run towards the Witch, "Thank you!" We were quite far away though, was it possible for us to make it in time?

"You're hopeless!" the Witch hissed, "Your beloved Cursed Queen is dead! Now, no one can kill me!"
"You're right," I heard Peter agree, "so go ahead and kill me."
"Peter no!" I cried.
"I'm sorry?" the Witch asked.
"You took her from me!" Peter cried, "You tried to take my brother from me too! Just kill me already!"

Edmund ran down the hill and broke the Witch's wand. She screamed out and stabbed it through Edmund. I screamed.
"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT YOU BITCH!" I screamed out, Peter glanced at me in shock as I jumped off the Centaur and dived for the Witch. She stabbed me with her wand in the leg.
"Ouch," I said, "that was rude of you."
"H-how are you alive? I killed you!" the Witch cried and I smirked.
"I don't really know, I guess it's Third Time's the Charm? Or perhaps, God pitied me for being killed by a woman with such hideous dresses!" I yelled. Peter stood up beside me and blinked curiously.
"Peter, Edmund-" I began.
"Mr. Beaver has him taken care of, I need to help you." he replied. I smiled softly as I kissed his cheek.
"Thant's awfully sweet of you," I whispered, "now let's kill this Witch!"
I ran forward, dodging every attack of hers. I jumped up and stabbed her in her breast. She screamed in agony as I climbed on top of the polar bears and lunged at the Witch. She fell from her chariot and hit her head hard on the rocks.
"Seriously though Lady, you need better, lighter dresses." I said before stabbing her in her heart.

I gasped in shock as the sharp icy pain in my heart vanished. I stood up straight and looked at Peter.
"The curse!" I cried, "It's broken!" I jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Susan and Lucy ran over.
"Where's Edmund?" Susan asked. I swore violently making Lucy gasp as I ran down the hill to Edmund. There was a dwarf trying to kill him. I charged at the dwarf and stabbed him. Lucy quickly placed a drop of her potion on Edmund's lips. After playing dead, which scared all of us, Edmund sat up gasping.
"Oh Edmund!" I cried, "You scared us!"
"When are you going to learn to do as you're told?" Peter laughed as he hugged Edmund. I smiled sweetly as Peter winked at me.

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