You Owe Me

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Everyone awaited their final answer as Aslan and Jadis debated about Edmund's fate. I noticed how pale Peter looked and I reached forward to hold his hand. His blue eyes held trapped tears in them, his lips slightly quivered as his eyebrows furrowed. His breathing was uneven and his hands were shaking. I reached up to caress his cheeks delicately.

"Don't worry Peter," I whispered, "everything is going to be alright." He let out a tiny whimper that only I could hear, "Shh... don't cry, not yet. Cry in joy when the witch leaves defeated." A crease formed between his eyebrows as he leaned forward. He rested his forehead on my shoulder as he tried not to weep. I held his hands gently and caring as I waited.

Lucy had made a hobby out of ripping out the grass and scattering it around out of bordem. Susan sat glancing worriedly at Edmund who refused to speak to any of the two sisters. The poor boy looked almost as scared as his older brother!

Finally, the tent opened and Jadis walked out. She looked satisfied as she walked gleefully to her 'portable throne'. How lazy was she? Her poor henchmen had to carry her everywhere! If she didn't weigh a lot, the dress certainly did!

Just before she sat down on her 'Lazy Chair', she turned around and glared at Aslan accusingly. Aslan seemed unhappy and sad. My heart pounded harshly against my ribs. I felt the ice in my heart clatter against my rib. Oh no...

"The Witch has denounced her claim on Edmund!" he announced. The entire camp began to cheer happily. "She has also agreed to reverse the time on Lady Arabella's curse!" My eyes widened as the Witch clicked her fingers. My hair returned to it's natural colour and my heart didn't feel as though it would break instantly. I smiled greatfully as I bowed my head to Aslan.
"How will I know that your promise will be kept?" she accused, pointing a bony finger at Aslan. Growing annoyed, Aslan roared at the witch causing her to fall down into her Lazy Chair in shock. Everyone began to laugh as her army left, escorting her to her hellhound of a home.

I smiled brightly as I wrapped my arms around Edmund and kissed his temple. He seemed relieved as he hugged me back. I then pulled Peter into a hug and kissed his cheek.
"I told you Pete," I whispered, "Aslan would never let any of us be offered up as a sacrifice." Oh the irony. Peter held me tightly as he sobbed in my arms.
"I-I thought that I was going to lose him," he sobbed and I smiled softly.
"Hey, Ed?" I asked, "Come and give your big brother a hug, he needs it."
Edmund walked over awkwardly and Peter pulled away from me. I wiped his tears as he engulfed Edmund in a huge hug. I smiled warmly.

"Lady Arabella," Aslan said and I turned to face him, "may I speak with you please? In private?" I nodded my head as I followed Aslan into the tent. He sighed sadly.
"I am so, incredibly sorry Lady Arabella," he said.
"What do you mean Aslan? You've done nothing wrong." I smiled, "Right?"
"Oh dear one, how wrong you are." He said, "The Witch offered up one thing."
"And what was that?" I asked.
"She wanted you in place of Edmund."

My heart pounded dangerously as I stared at Aslan with wide eyes. How would Peter react? This was completely ironic to what I told him!
"Aslan," I began slowly, "did you or did you not agree to sacrifice me?" The lion bowed his head in shame as he apologized once again. My anger got the better of me.
"So you came to me, begging me to kill the witch to end my curse, but when I refused, you offered me up as a sacrifice!?" I asked coldly and he sighed softly as he apologized once again.
"And if I refuse?"
"It will have to be Edmund."
I groaned in annoyance.
"You owe me."
He only nodded.

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