Blind Trust

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Marinette's pov.
I was running and running until I had to stop and breath. That damn cat. Did he seriously drop me on purpose?! I'm gonna end him. Wait, what time is it?! I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 3.50 pm?! And the park is like 20 minutes away! How the hell am I gonna make it in time?! Then Tikki opened my purse and looked at me. Oh right.
Tikki: Are you okay Marinette?!
Marinette: yes Tikki, but we'll need to hurry. I don't wanna get late for my birthday party.
Tikki nodded as I transformed. I grabbed my yo-yo and swung myself away in direction to the park. I hope I'll make it in time.
A few minutes later I spotted Chat Noir, oh here we go again. I'm not in the mood to talk with him right now. Suddenly he turned around as I grabbed my yo-yo. Shit.
Chat Noir: Bugaboo!
He jumped over to me and landed right in front of me.
Chat Noir: I umm, kinda messed up? Can you help me?
Ladybug: sorry Chat Noir, but I'm in a hurry and you will have to fix your own problems.
I quickly swung away. I'm 100% sure he'd ask for help to find me- umm, Marinette. I ain't in the mood for that, or to deal with him. I landed in an alley right next to the park.
Ladybug: Spots O-
A giant explosion was heared. Seriously Hawk Moth?! ON MY BIRTHDAY TOO YOU ASS! okay, calm down now Mari, I'm sure this will go fast. Suddenly I remembered I hadn't given the fox miraculous back to master Fu yet. Fuck. Well, after this fight I'll give it back to him, It's safer to have back up already at the start. I leaned to the other side of the house wall and spotted Alya, with her phone in her hands, ready to get content for the ladyblog. I whistled at her, she turned around and saw me. She nodded as she ran over to the alley. 
Alya: I'm at your service Ladybug!
I nodded as I handed her the miraculous box. This is really turning into a routine. Maybe I should ask master Fu to let Alya keep the miraculous- until Hawk Moth is defeated of course. Alya transformed into Rena Rouge and we jumped away to the battle. 
Once we reached the Champs-Élysées we saw Chat Noir fighting against- ... Mr Pigeon.
Rena Rouge: what's the count up in now? 25?
Chat Noir looked at me a little confused
Chat Noir: you called in Rena for Mr. Pigeon?
Ladybug: I had the miraculous with me okay?! And I spotted her before I knew who the villain was
Rena Rouge: uhh, guys-
A giant ball of pigeons came flying through the air in direction towards us. Why me? We all dodged it, but then Chat's sneezing started. Right. He's allergic to feathers. Maybe he should sit this one out. I ran over to chat and put my hand on his shoulder
Ladybug: Chat you can't fight like this, please, sit this one out and let me and Rena take care of this.
He sighed before he nodded and jumped away to the closest rooftop. Of course he wasn't just gonna leave. He's just waiting as back up if anything would happened.
Rena Rouge: Ladybug! Look out!
Ladybug: huh?!
I turned around as an other giant ball of birds flew towards me. Fuck. Suddenly I got pushed to the side by Rena. Thank god. She quickly stood up and waited for my command.
Ladybug: Lucky Charm!
A bird whistle? Really? Ha. Ha. Very funny Tikki. Rena Looked at me confusedly as I held the whistle. I looked around and suddenly got an idea.
Ladybug: Oh look! A ton of bread is just over there! What a coincidence! Right Rena?!
Rena nodded as she knew exactly what I was planning. She used her Mirage to create the illusion of a giant piece of bread, which the birds got hypnotized of.
Mr. Pigeon: No! My pigeons! Get back!
I whistled in the whistle and the birds flew to me, cool! Wonder if it has the same affect with cats? That would be awesome. I whistled again and pointed at Mr. Pigeon. The birds attacked him and snatched his whistle. Rena grabbed it and threw it into the ground. I destroyed it, captured the akuma and turned everything back to normal. That's when my miraculous beeped for the 5th time. Shit.
Rena Rouge: let's go before you change back!
Ladybug: we won't have time, I will have detransormed before we find a safe place, keep the miraculous for now Rena Rouge.
Rena Rouge: WHAT?!
Ladybug: trust me
I leaned over to her ear as I whispered "I will come by and get it later" she nodded as I swung away. 
I landed in the very same alley again as I detransormed. Phew. Now to explain this to master Fu.
Tikki: haven't you forgotten anything Marinette
Marinette: THE PARTY!
What would I do without Tikki? I ran out of the alley and got greeted by an exhausted Alya. 'Running back after detransorming isn't all easy, right Al?' I thought to myself as we hugged.
Then all of a sudden people jumped out of their hiding places and screamed- not 'shouted' they screamed "Happy birthday"
Marinette: AAAAHHHH!!!!!!! 
I think I got a heart attack! I put my fingers on my neck to find my pulse, oh yeah it was there. And it went fast. Thank you for that Alya. I'll get you later. Then Nathaniel came up to me with a gift in his hands and a blush on his cheeks. How cute. I gently grabbed it and opened it.

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