Chapter 1: Incident

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Breaking News: Major Explosion at Kang Labs

There has been a massive explosion at Kang Labs. Causes of the explosion is yet to be unknown. The building has been engulfed in a chemical fire and the fire department are currently on their way. Several scientists and interns are trapped in the fire...

Daniel closes his laptop before finishing the article. He sighs as Jihyo joins him on the bed. She notices that he's distressed and says, "Is everything ok?" Daniel rubs his eyes as he says, "No, we're on vacation. I'll work on it when we get home." Jihyo says, "You can talk to me, I would love to listen." He places a peck on her lips and says, "It's really nothing." 

Several days later...

Daniel walks down the hall as his secretary says, "There are a total of 5 casualties but the police are still investigating to find any new bodi-" He interrupts her, "Call off the investigation" His secretary asks, "What? With all due respect, there could be more victims-" Daniel says, "Exactly. The lost of that lab is already causing us billions and we need to compensate the victims of the fire. This is a major set back." She says, "But sir, what if the relatives of the victim speaks up? The scandal can send the company into bankruptcy." Daniel sighs and says, "It'll be easier and cheaper to cover it up, yes? Call off the investigation and schedule a meeting with the victims."

She nods and says, "Yes sir." Daniel smiles and says, "Good, are you working overtime today?" She nods and he smirks then says, "I'll be waiting." As she smiles and walks back to her desk, he gives a slight pat on her behind. Suddenly his phone rings, Daniel answers, "Hey baby." Jihyo says, "Morning babe, how's your day?" Daniel replies, "Great, I'm setting a date for meeting with the family of the victims." Jihyo says, "That's great! But you should relax, you've been staying over night lately."

Daniel says, "It's the incident, I've been working my butt lately." Jihyo chuckles and says, "Let's get dinner tonight. I can help you relax." He glances over to the desk outside his office and says, "Sorry babe, I'm working late tonight. We can set a dinner tomorrow." She replies, "Okay, don't forget to eat your meals." He says, "You too. Love you, bye."

He hangs up his phone as Jihyo sighs.

The next day...

Daniel's secretary makes her way to Daniel's office as the meeting with the family of the victims is about to take place. They are to decide on how much money is to be compensated and give a formal apology. She opens the doors and drops all her papers. A loud shriek could be heard as security joins her. Their eyes widened as they see the lifeless body that is Daniel.

His head on the table with blood dripping from his head. A gun in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other.

They soon contact the police and Jihyo. Her heart breaks at the sudden death of her husband and several thoughts run through her head. He's never seemed suicidal and had several plans for the two of them in the future. Daniel always talked about having a family and traveling after he retires his position. As he passed away, his current title of CEO is given to his right hand man, Kim Namjoon. Grieve filled Jihyo's mind but something didn't feel right. 

After a few days of resting and recovering from the shock, Jihyo finally settles down. She's had a funeral and burying ceremony of her late husband but the cause of his death still confused her. Daniel was never a man who would take his own life and she knew it. Jihyo knew everything Daniel thought and did, maybe it was her wife instincts or because he was so open when they talked. 

She furrowed her eyebrows. Goosebumps suddenly popped up as she thought of another cause of death, "Maybe he was murdered" She sighs again as she remembers the verdict given by the forensic scientists at the police station. They stated from the autopsy and reports that he committed suicide. The security cameras were turned off as that night they were under maintenance for a few hours.

All this thinking started hurting Jihyo's head. She soon started researching on her own and eventually came up on an article. It was written by two investigators. Jihyo searched their names up and found out that they were a couple who work in the same field. 

Park-Myoui Jimin and Park-Myoui Mina.

Jihyo quickly searches up their contact info and sends a couple of emails and calls. However, after hours of waiting there is no answer. She takes the matters into her own hands as she wears a coat and adventures out. 

Their building was at the penthouse of the apartment building near the company building. She knocked on the door and waited for a response. After waiting a few minutes, a man suddenly opens the door. She assumes it's Jimin and it is. He looks at her shocked and says, "Mind waiting so I can put appropriate clothes on?"

Before Jihyo could answer, she notices a woman in the back wearing an oversized white long sleeved polo shirt and messy hair. That's Mina. Mina says, "Babe, who's at the door?" Jimin says, "Kang Jihyo of Kang Labs." The door is shut politely and the two put more appropriate clothes on. 

They welcome her back in and offer tea as Jimin asks, "What brings the great Kang Jihyo to our humble apartment?" Jihyo stutters, "A-as you heard, Daniel died recently." Mina nods and says, "Condolences." Jihyo then continues, "They ruled it as suicide but... but I think he was murdered." 

Jimin's eyes widened and glances at Mina. Mina then asks, "What makes you believe that?" Jihyo says, "He wasn't suicidal. Daniel was an open book which I read everyday and he showed no signs of depression or sadness. We were supposed to have a family and-" Jihyo pauses as she starts sobbing.

Mina hands her some paper tissues and water. Jihyo continues, "And he wasn't supposed to leave." Jimin leans back and says, "The police station said it was a suicide. There's nothing we can-" Jihyo interrupts, "I'LL PAY YOU ANYTHING!" Mina then says, "We're just private investigators. We have to go through several paper work and procedures just to get access to the site. Jihyo, some say sadness makes people delusional. You should just-"

Jihyo yells, "HE DIDN'T KILL HIMSELF! I'M SURE OF IT!" Jimin sighs and says, "Then who? Who would kill him?" Jihyo starts getting fidgety and says, "I don't know. Maybe it was a business rival. Maybe it was one of the family members of the victims from the lab explosion. But please, just give it a week. If you find nothing then I'll stop bothering you."

Mina brings Jimin to a separate room and talk for several minutes. The two come out and Mina says, "500 thousand dollars." Jihyo says, "Deal." Jimin looks at her shocked and says, "Really?" Jihyo nods and he exhales, "Whew, we were actually willing to accept 100 thousand but this is even better." Mina says, "We'll finish the paper work and visit the site by tomorrow afternoon. Can we have your number so we can contact you?" Jihyo nods and gives them her number.

Jimin says, "We'll try our best." 

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