Chapter 4: Im Nayeon

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Mina and Jimin set off to another adventure. Luckily, Nayeon agreed to a meeting but they would have to meet at her place. It was unorthodox but they've come prepared. Jimin brought a camera and tripod to record and they set off to Nayeon's apartment. Once they're there, Mina rings the doorbell and waits for a bit. They're soon greeted by Nayeon but she's different from what others told them.

People said that Nayeon was 4 dimensional and always smiling. That she would break jokes and friendly tease others. Nayeon was supposed to be a social butterfly mirroring Jin's personality but after the loss, she's changed. The two walk in and Jimin notices the smell of depression and sadness. She cleaned up a bit but they could tell that Nayeon hasn't left her apartment in days.

The curtains are closed and food wrappers are scattered in the kitchen. Nayeon giggles and says, "Sorry, I wasn't expecting visitors and it sounded urgent when you called so I had to agree right away." Mina asks cautiously, "Is it ok if we touch sensitive matters, such as your boyfriend?" She corrects her, "Fiance." Nayeon flashes the ring and Mina's heart aches. She corrects herself, "Fiance."

Nayeon smiles and says, "It's fine. They said talking about it helps so I guess I'll try it." Mina smiles back at her and prepares the questions as Jimin sets up the camera. Mina asks, "You're fiance, Kim Seokjin, was the lead scientist for the lab that exploded. Is that correct?" Nayeon nods and Mina continues, "Reports say that it was the explosion was the scientist's faults and that it was a total accident." Nayeon nods again and Mina asks, "Do you agree with the reports?"

Nayeon says, "I'm not sure it if was an accident but I was there when it happened." The couple's eyes widened and Mina says, "Can you give us a brief description of the events that you witnessed?" Nayeon says, "Well, it was around lunch and I was heading over to give lunch to the Jin and his colleagues. I remember a few interns there too. Jin actually wasn't in the building when the explosion occurred as he met with me outside so we can eat lunch. But, there was an explosion and reports for a chemical fire. As soon as I saw Jin's eyes, my heart ached. He wanted to go in and help them. I begged him to stay but... he felt responsible and blamed himself for not being there. I-"

Nayeon starts to choke on her tears and Mina hands over water. After a few seconds of collecting herself, Nayeon continues, "I kept pulling him and holding him, begging that he could die but he didn't care. He broke free and ran in to save the interns and a few of his workers. He never came out. No one did." Mina didn't know it but tears were running down her face. She stands up and walks to balcony of the apartment as she needed fresh air and Nayeon sat there emotionless and still. Jimin says, "We'll have a 5 minute break."

Nayeon nods and Jimin makes his way out. He can hear Mina's sobs so he embraces her in a hug. Jimin says, "Do you want me to take over?" Mina nods without saying a word and Jimin makes his way in after 5 minutes.

Jimin asks, "Where were you last Wednesday night?" Nayeon thinks for a while but she seems to not remember a thing. She says, "I don't remember but I think I posted something on..." She brings out her phone and goes on her instagram. Nayeon blushes in embarrassment then shows the post she made. Jimin glances at the picture of her knocked out in a bar with about 8 bottles of soju. The picture was credited towards her friend, Jeongyeon. He asks, "So you didn't go to the meeting for the family of the victims?" Nayeon shakes her head and says, "I was compensated thousands of dollars and I didn't find a need to compromise a higher price. It's not like I cared about the money anyway, all I can do is live the rest of my life without the one I love."

Jimin stays quiet and Nayeon chuckles then says, "Sorry for getting deep, I've been doing it lately." Jimin notes down what she just said and Nayeon asks, "Are we done here?" Jimin nods and Mina joins them again. Mina asks, "Nayeon, do you want to go grab lunch with me?" Jimin smiles and says, "Good idea, we-" She interrupts him, "Just Nayeon and I, a girl's lunch." Jimin pouts and Nayeon says, "That would be great, I need to get out of the house more." Mina smiles at her and says, "Don't worry, I won't talk business or work."

The two then venture towards a small restaurant. As they are seated and order their food, Nayeon says relieved, "I haven't been out in so long, it feels... good." Mina smiles at her and says, "Yeah, sometimes we just need to go out and have a nice meal with a friend." Nayeon giggles and says, "Right! It's been a tough year for me but for some reason, I feel less burdened now. Maybe, talking it out really helps." Mina looks at her saddened and says, "Does it really?"

Nayeon notices her mood and asks, "Yeah. Is there anything you need to get off your chest?" Mina bites her lip as she never spoke to anyone about this incident but the lack of customers in the restaurant gives her courage to speak loudly. Nayeon quickly moves next to Mina and says, "I promise I'll listen and keep this between us."

Mina says, "So, you know how I married with Jimin?" She nods and Mina says, "We've actually been together for a long time now because we married right after college." Nayeon smiles at the thought of a long term marriage as she never got to experience it at all. Mina says, "We actually had a daughter... Her name was Ryujin and she should be 16 years now." Nayeon's heart break as she hears the words 'should be.'

Her expression softens and Mina starts to tear up and says, "Maybe, it's too early to talk about this." Nayeon holds her hand and says, "It's better to talk it out but if you can't handle it, maybe you shouldn't." Mina inhales and exhales trying to hold her tears in and says, "It's her birthday tomorrow and... this is the first one since her... passing. I don't know how I can live with myself. It just... hurts. It's all my fault, if I just listened to her and-" She couldn't continue as the tears overwhelmed her. Mina became a mess.

Nayeon hugs her and says, "Just cry it out, it's dangerous to hold these feelings in. You should live the rest of your life happily but never forget her. Live your life fully and happily because that's what Ryujin would have wanted." Mina lets the stream fall as her body starts to hiccup with the tears. Nayeon holds her and assures that everything is going to be all right.

After bidding good bye and exchanging thanks, Mina makes her way to her apartment. As she enters, Jimin notices her red and puffy eyes so he goes to comfort her. He says, "How was lunch?" Mina says, "It was great, I got to get some things off my chest and I figured out what we're going to do." Jimin looks at her sincerely and says, "Let's close this case."

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