Chapter 7: Lim Jaebeom

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{To all those who didn't know. Lim Jaebeom is the correct way of spelling Im Jaebum but the L is silent. He said it himself in a V-live so spread the word :P}

- author guy

Jimin changes his clothes and puts on a hood and mask as he weaves through a crowd. He ends up in Jaebeom's building and makes his way upstairs. He walks pass the secretary as she tries to call him back. Jimin walks through Jaebeom's door and notices that he's not alone.

He sees a young girl and another man about their age. Jaebeom says, "I wasn't expecting a visit today, Jimin." Jimin says, "It's urgent. Can we please speak, privately?" Jaebeom nods and says, "Yeji, Jackson. It'll only be a minute." Jimin's eyes widened as he hears the name "Yeji."

The two leave the room and Jimin says, "Yeji? Your daughter?" Jaebeom chuckles and says, "Well, there's a change of plans. I've negotiated with the man behind all of this and we seemed to make an agreement. As for our deal, I'm going to have to cut it. I won't get in your way but I also won't help you in anyway." Jimin asks, "Who's Jackson?" Jaebeom says, "I'll only say this one time because you helped me find my daughter. He's a man, well acquainted with the mastermind. Now if you excuse me, I have to explain to my wife on why our daughter went missing. Speaking of wife, where's your other half?"

Jimin says, "Working." then leaves the room. He takes note of Jackson's appearance as he passes by.

He makes his way back to his apartment only to see two black vans camping out in the entrance. Jimin sighs as he makes his way to a run down cafe in the middle of nowhere. He buys a cup of coffee which tastes surprisingly good and brings out his laptop. Jimin listens to the recording of Namjoon's voice and thinks on how he's going to use this. Suddenly, a random message pops up on his phone and glances at it.

It's a picture. He opens it cautiously and drops his phone in shock. Jimin slowly brings up the phone to see a tied up Mina and Ryujin. Jimin analyzes the picture to get hints at where they're located but he can't stand the sight of his family. A follow up text soon arrives.

Time is ticking. Turn yourself in and stat quiet.

Jimin sighs. He thinks about his actions and comes up with a plan.  Another text pops up so he glances at his phone.


Jimin rakes his hair back as the plan he formulated might not work. He hesitates a bit as it'll endanger his family. Jimin breathes in and out then makes a decision.

A few minutes later, Jimin uploads the recording of Namjoon throughout the internet and social media. He sent emails to various news outlets and tries to spread it like wild fire. He knew it was a risk as they can track his location but it's part of his plan.

The door is broken down and several men start to reprimand Jimin. He struggles and fights back but soon is outnumbered. They put a bag over his head and starts to transport him. Jimin smirks underneath the bag as he set up a camera in the restaurant which was live streaming what just happened. Thousands of people around the world watched the streams and listened to the recording.

A few hours later, they tie him up to a chair. They get rid of the bag and his eyes adjust to the lighting. Namjoon and Jackson stand across him with anger in their faces. Namjoon says, "You really don't know how to keep your mouth shut. Did you not think I'd find out about everything?"

Jimin stays quiet and lays his head down. Namjoon picks up his head and says, "Don't think I don't know anything, I'm not an idiot. I know that you and your wife killed Kang Daniel and you managed to get his wife imprisoned for me. I thank you for that. They've been against this whole underground blackmarket hiding behind his company but had no power to rid of it. You just removed the one road block that prevented me from going international." Jimin picks up his head curiously and Namjoon smirks.

He says, "Ahh, yes. Your wife spit everything out. Everything. All I had to do was threaten and torture your daughter and she poured every single detail." Jimin tenses and tries to break free of the rope which causes Namjoon to chuckle. He nears Jimin's head as he speaks to his level continues, "Speaking of your daughter, I've had her for a long time now and I've got to say I'm impressed. She's good for a teena-"

Jimin interrupts him with a strong head butt towards his nose. Namjoon falls back grasping his broken nose trying to stop the blood flowing out. He pulls out a gun and yells, "I WILL MURDER YOU IN FRONT OF YOUR FAMILY!" Namjoon cools down and regains himself. He says, "But not now, I need you to tell the world about the fake videos and recordings you sent out. The fake live stream and everything. Say that you were pranking the world, and I'll let your family live."

Jimin contemplates and Namjoon claps his hands once. He says, "Jackson, get the camera." Jackson stays still and he asks, "Jackson?" He looks back at Namjoon and says, "Sorry joonie, you took it too far this time." Namjoon looks at him questionably and says, "What do you mean?"

Jackson pulls up a gun and points it at Namjoon's head. He says, "You guys can come in now." The room is soon stormed by several men. Jaebeom's men. Namjoon chuckles and says, "That traitor." Jimin looks up to see Mina and Ryujin behind all of them standing healthily. Namjoon quickly hides behind Jimin and points his gun on his temple pointblank.

He says, "That Im Jaebeom really is something." Another voice says, "Yeah I am." Jaebeom walks in the room and says, "I'm usually a man of my word, but I don't make deals with monsters. Monsters who messed with my family." While he's distracted, Jimin tosses his head back and hits Namjoon's already broken nose which causes him to fall back and drop the gun. The men siege him and reprimand him while a small group unties Jimin.

As soon as he's free, he runs towards Mina and Ryujin. After making sure Mina is fine, he embraces his daughter in a hug. She starts to cry and he says, "Don't worry princess, I'm here. I won't let anyone touch you." She continues to cry and says, "I miss you. I was so scared. I thought I'll never see you again." Jimin backs away and says, "Did they do anything to you?"

Mina reassures him, "They didn't touch her. Jackson made sure of it." Jimin turns to Jackson and hugs him. Jackson says, "Sorry for taking so long, Jaebeom told me to stay undercover until the end." Jimin says, "No. Thank you for bringing my family back." Jaebeom coughs behind him and Jimin says, "Thank you too."

Mina quickly goes to Jimin and asks, "Is your head ok? You hit his nose a few times." Before Jimin could say anything, he passes out.


Jimin wakes up to the scent of a hospital. He notices that he's on a hospital bed. He looks to his right to see Mina sleeping on the couch with a blanket over her. A few seconds later, Ryujin enters in her school uniform. Jimin flutters his eyes as Ryujin exclaims, "YOU'RE AWAKE!"

Mina groans, "Now I am too, thank you for that." Ryujin apologizes, "Sorry." Jimin looks at her confused and says, "You're going to school already? Shouldn't you be recovering?" Mina says sleepily, "You've been knocked out for 5 days." Jimin looks around and groans.

Mina says, "The doctor said that you had a concussion and you haven't been eating." Jimin complains, "How could I have eaten when you two were who knows where being who knows what." Mina pecks his cheek and says, "Princess, come here kiss your dad." Ryujin looks at her disgusted and says, "Gross." Mina scolds her, "He saved our lives. It's for appreciation." Ryujin sighs as she places a kiss on his forehead.

Jimin smiles sincerely and Mina continues to inform him, "We were investigated a few days ago and Namjoon in on trial. Jihyo was released this morning and the blame for Daniel's murder was placed on Namjoon." Jimin says, "So you're saying?" Mina smiles and says, "Let's go to Hawaii."

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