Chapter 8: Hawaii?

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Ryujin complains, "I thought we were going Hawaii!" Jimin says as they board the plane, "Hawaii is too expensive. We spent a lot of money on a memorial for you so we're going Guam instead." She whines, "Where even is Guam?" He says, "It's like Hawaii but smaller. Don't worry, you'll have a fun time." Ryujin whines, "MOM! Tell dad he's stupid!" Mina tells Jimin, "You're stupid. K, let's go to our seats. The flight isn't that long."

The flight goes by quickly and the family head to their hotel. Mina says, "So what do you want to do first? Shopping? Beach? There's a lot of tourist attractions here." Ryujin pouts and says, "Shopping." Mina smiles and says, "Right answer." Jimin puts their luggage down and says, "Do I have to go." The two girls nod and Mina says, "Are you going to let us carry around heavy shopping bags in a place we know nothing about? Alone." Jimin sighs and Ryujin says, "It's fine really. We can just get some random tall and handsome foreigner to help us. Emphasis on tall." Jimin says sternly, "I'm going."

The girls squeal in excitement as they change from their airport attire. Jimin drinks several energy drinks to keep himself up. They end up walking around a shopping district and Jimin starts to flinch as he sees the name of each store. Gucci. Luis Vuitton. Rolex. They enter every single store and buy so much things. Jimin glares at Mina and says, "Where did you get all this money? We could've gone to Hawaii." Mina shrugs her shoulders and says, "What's wrong with Guam? I love it here." Ryujin nods as she hands two more shopping bags to Jimin.

They walk towards their hotel room as Jimin follows behind with over 20 shopping bags and a dream. He puts the bags down and Ryujin says, "Careful! Those are expensive!" Jimin cries, "Please, put me back in the hospital." Mina chuckles and says, "Thanks darling, where do you want to eat?" Jimin perks his head up and says, "Did you just say 'darling?'" Mina nods and a smile forms on his face.

Jimin says, "Anywhere is fine." Ryujin says, "Let's go get some burgers! American style!" Jimin asks her, "I thought you didn't like it here?" She smiles and says, "That was before we went shopping." He sighs and they head to the nearest fast food restaurant. As they eat, Jimin says, "Wow, this is pretty affordable." Everyone nods as they stuff their faces with burgers and fries.

They soon go back to the hotel and rest.

The next day, Jimin tells Ryujin, "I'm giving you money but this is for food. Stay in hotel and if anything call us. Okay?" She nods and asks, "Where are you two going?" Mina says, "We're going to enjoy a day in vacation without the burden of a child. Okay?" Ryujin nods again and says, "When will you be back?" Jimin answers, "Before dinner. We'll bring you dinner so don't buy." She nods and waits patiently as her parents leave the hotel room.

Jimin says, "Where do you wanna go?" Mina holds his hand and says, "Let's just keep walking." They end up walking a long the sidewalk passing by several tourist areas. There's silence but it's comfortable. The two enjoy the long walk and end up near a beach. Mina says, "We have to bring Ryujin here later." Jimin replies, "Later." She looks at him and asks, "Are you still scared?" Jimin stays quiet and Mina says, "You know it's not your fault, you were just thinking about her future and all." Jimin says, "It is my fault. If I didn't make her do that stupid internship, then we would be living peacefully like you wished for."

Mina holds his other hand and makes eye contact with him. Jimin looks away as he doesn't want to start blushing or get engrossed by her beauty. Mina pulls him in for a hug and start to sway. Jimin complains, "We're in public. People will think we're weird." She says, "Well, we're not normal. We had to save our daughter from a bunch of millionaires and basically killed an innocent man. They can think what they want to."

Jimin pulls away and they both notice a little kid watching them. Mina chuckles and says, "Where are your parents? Did you lose them?" Suddenly, a woman comes to pick up her child and says, "Sorry if he did anything wrong." The boy tells his mom, "Momma, they killed someone." The mom looks at him offended and says, "Say sorry. That's so rude." Jimin says, "It's ok. Kids and their imaginations."

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