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[M] Two | "Tow"

Chapter Text

*In this AU, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook are much bigger in size than little omega Taehyung.

With all the air that was left in his lungs Taehyung let out a deafening scream of terror.

The horrifying situation finally sank into his brain - he was in a room on a bed alone with 3 unmated alphas with his hands tightly bound to the bed post. In addition to that he had never seen any of these alphas before. They were complete strangers to him.

And there could only be one thing that alphas want from omegas....

Taehyung jolted in shock when he saw one of them moving towards him. He instinctively scrambled to the opposite side of the bed the fastest he could and the furthest possible away under the restraints of the chains around his wrists. Like a hurt animal, Taehyung quickly curled up into a trembling ball, tears flowing freely from his widened panicky eyes.

The sounds of chains rattling and Taehyung panting filled the air.

Namjoon, the alpha that took the first move towards Taehyung, didn't quite like how Taehyung reacted. He interpreted Taehyung's retreat as a gesture of rebellion and yet omegas were supposed to submit. In disapproval he furrowed his brows but two seconds later he realized that for some reason he was also quite turned on by the sight of the trembling omega.

Namjoon's strict scrunched-up face melted into a sinister smirk.

To Taehyung's utmost horror, Namjoon then started to chuckle slightly as if something amusing just happened.

What a cute little omega.

Namjoon is the eldest so he gets to take Taehyung first. They've talked about it when Taehyung was unconscious and his two younger brothers have agreed on the order albeit rather reluctantly.

"Be quick Namjoon, I can't wait any longer. He looks fucking delicious," said the alpha named Hoseok with a lighted cigarette hanging loosely between his lips and upon registering his words, Taehyung felt his stomach drop into a bottomless pit and he actually felt an intense desire to vomit. A soft helpless whimper escaped his mouth as his body muscles instantly tensed up in fear after confirming what was going to come. As if to plead for mercy, Taehyung started to violently shake his head and cry loudly.

Taehyung was utterly terrified. He was still a virgin. Although he had many suitors in the past, he had never agreed to date anyone or even worse, to have sex with anyone. Taehyung was the geeky kind of boy that loved to read and study and in his free time he would spend some time flowering plants in his little family garden. His parents had told him never to trust or be alone in the presence of other alphas till his marriage to the one he truly trusted and loved. Till this moment in time Taehyung believed in that ideology.

But now he was going to be raped.


Namjoon was so turned on by Taehyung's fear. His whimpers sounded like music to his ears. Namjoon licked his lips in anticipation and finally he allows the beast inside him loose.

In a swift move, Namjoon towed Taehyung by the ankle to drag his body back down to the central region of the bed to which Taehyung started wailing in shock at the sudden bodily contact and before Taehyung could wiggle away again Namjoon pounced onto Taehyung and pressed him down deep into the bedsheets firmly by the neck. Taehyung struggled with all the life left of him, his heart pounding in overwhelming fear and dread as he coughed violently from the choke on his windpipe.

Namjoon didn't wait any longer. He ignored Taehyung's cries and lifted his hand to yank on Taehyung's hair to pull his head to the side before swooping down to sink his teeth harshly into Taehyung's exposed right side neck. The act of marking earned a loud painful yelp from Taehyung. Large droplets of tears sprung free from Taehyung's eyes at the sudden rough abuse. Taehyung felt his knees go weak as he finally began to beg for his life.

"Please stop....please....please....." that was the only word Taehyung could manage to say while struggling and amidst his violent struggles he accidentally kicked Namjoon in the shin while trying to emerge free from the alpha's suffocating hold.


Namjoon's previous smirk changed into an even darker scowl.

The next second Taehyung got a tight slap across his face, so hard that his breath was knocked out of him and before he could catch his breath again Namjoon flipped Taehyung over onto his stomach and then pulled his head up by the hair creating a sensual back arch. Namjoon was still angry but his pupils instinctively dilated at the sight of the beautiful omega under him. He eyed Taehyung up and down his body and licked Taehyung's ear sensually as Taehyung shook and whimpered in fear, completely helpless under Namjoon.

"Kim Tae Hyung, you don't know how much I want to fuck you. Try to run again and I'll bite you to death."

When Taehyung felt an excruciating bite on his ear and two cold hands violently stripping off his clothes he started thrashing around vigorously screaming the word "stop".

The other two alphas watched silently at the side. Taehyung couldn't tell if they were enjoying themselves from their emotionless faces.


And little did Taehyung know: this was only just the beginning.

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