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[M] Three | "Please"

Chapter Text

And little did Taehyung know: this was only just the beginning.

In no time Taehyung was already fully naked and shaking in so much humiliation and shock. To live the experience of being roughly unclothed was already traumatizing enough for Taehyung not to mention that during the whole process he was pressed down in a position where he could not see or predict what the perpetrator was trying to do next. He screamed and cried but to no avail and when Namjoon took off and threw all of his torn clothes to the side, Taehyung could only shut his eyes and bite his trembling lips in terror of what was going to come.

In that moment Taehyung was so helplessly vulnerable, his body fully naked and open like an exhibition on display.

Taehyung couldn't stop crying.

There was no words to describe how utterly petrified he was.

Taehyung was just a weak and helpless omega and all his life he was treated like a delicate flower from the ones around him. He could not fathom how he could be treated in such rough ways.

Till now Taehyung couldn't believe or understand why all these were happening to him.

Did I do something wrong?

Taehyung could hear all three alphas growling to which he whimpered partly due to his omega biological reflex and also partly due to the fear he was experiencing. He didn't know that his whimpers only serve to turn the alphas on even more.

He didn't know that most alphas were biologically inclined to be sadistic in nature.

Though Taehyung was back-facing the alphas with his head buried deep into the pillow, he could literally feel the alphas' intense gazes burning deep into his skin. Without even looking he could feel the intense dangerous energy radiating from around him. He could hear the vigorous and heavy breathing from all the three alphas.

"Fucking Christ..." those were the first words the alpha named Jungkook spoke that day upon seeing Taehyung naked for the first time but before Taehyung could react, a crushing voice from above him sounded.

"How dare you have the audacity to look this sinful. You are asking to be fucked," Namjoon growled in a low and threatening tone and for some reason he actually sounded angry.

It was as if all these happened because of Taehyung. As if all these that were happening was Taehyung's fault, as if all these happened because Taehyung was born an omega.

Without warning, Namjoon dropped his torso onto Taehyung such that his upper body was fully in contact with Taehyung's back. He then started to run his hands freely all over Taehyung's body, groping and grabbing harshly creating bruises all over Taehyung's skin as if he was purposely trying to decorate Taehyung with purple and red shades. The sudden painful intimacy and harsh contact caused Taehyung to squirm and struggle at full force but unfortunately all he earned were painful bites onto his ears and back as an issue of warning.

Taehyung cried in pain and went fully limp in shock for a moment when he felt something hard poking and grinding up into his ass crack. Namjoon was fully clothed then, grinding roughly onto Taehyung from behind and in the whole process Taehyung could feel the cold buttons on Namjoon's clothes rubbing and cutting into his skin with so much friction and he couldn't do a single thing to stop it.

Namjoon frowned at Taehyung's resistance. In the next second, he wrapped his arms around Taehyung to hold him firmly in place before proceeding to once again sink his punishing sharp alpha teeth into Taehyung's skin, biting and sucking callously onto Taehyung's neck and back so hard it drew blood.

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