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[M] Eight | "Mine"

Chapter Text

Jungkook smirked and licked his lips at Taehyung's response.


He continued to suck and nibble on Taehyung's hole, his tongue travelling back and forth between Taehyung's entrance, ass cheeks and inner thighs. In no time Taehyung's lower regions were all coated with Jungkook's lovebites and saliva.

A few moments later, Jungkook pulled away from Taehyung and pressed Taehyung under him. Taehyung who was already in a hypnotized half-conscious state of mind instantly whined at the sudden emptiness, his hole dripping and pumping lewdly as if to anticipate more action.

Peering down at the beautiful omega, Jungkook suddenly had a desire to wreck Taehyung to pieces but at the same time he wanted to worship and appreciate Taehyung's beauty.

He didn't know why but this omega was making him experience mixed feelings. This omega was making him all confused and conflicted and he wanted this omega to have mixed feelings about him too.

He wanted this omega to experience both the good and bad sides of him. He wanted to show this omega what he was truly capable of.

Without warning, Jungkook straddled Taehyung firmly in place and slid two fingers into Taehyung's pink dripping hole and before Taehyung could even react Jungkook started to violently scissor and thrust his fingers in and out of Taehyung's entrance causing Taehyung to immediately scream in shock and pain.

"Fucking slut shut the fuck up and take it."

Taehyung was still sore from Namjoon's abuse and the sudden intrusion was like splitting apart a freshly-made wound.

"Ah!!!! Wait!!!....please it hurts....It really hurts...please!!!!" Taehyung jerked and he instantly burst into tears. He was utterly horrified at Jungkook's sudden roughness again. He couldn't fathom how Jungkook could be so cruel and then the next second he became so kind to him and then after awhile he could turn into a monster again. Taehyung shuddered at the thought of Jungkook's unpredictability. He cried out and begged and tried his best to wriggle free from Jungkook's hold but Jungkook was too strong.

On the other hand, Jungkook just held Taehyung in place and continued to thrust his fingers in furiously as he watched Taehyung's hole leak protective slick and cum all over the bed. Slushing sounds and Taehyung's endless cries and whimpers filled the room.

A few moments later, Jungkook's heart softened again. His mind was like a pendulum, oscillating repeatedly between heaven and hell.

"Hush beautiful, the pain won't last, trust me my lovely darling."

So Jungkook started hitting his fingers from different angles in an attempt to find Taehyung's prostate.

That instant Jungkook brushed past Taehyung's sweet spot, the crying Taehyung immediately jolted and started moaning in pleasure again. It was as if Jungkook had a switch in his hand. After hearing Taehyung's moans, Jungkook immediately took the cue and fucked his fingers hard onto that spot.

Taehyung screamed and howled in pleasure.

The omega tensed his body hard for the first two seconds of instinctive shock before melting and softening in Jungkook's embrace from the pleasure he was experiencing. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he even started to lick his own lips uncontrollably.

Jungkook observed the beautiful omega writhing in pleasure under him. At that point in time Taehyung was moaning endlessly, his breathtaking sapphire eyes dazed out and glistening with freshly-shed tears. At the same time, Taehyung's hole was obscenely spewing out slick like an active waterfall with his legs wide ajar and albeit they were weakly trembling there was not a single bit of resistance held in his limbs as Jungkook continued to thrust his fingers onto Taehyung's prostate. It was as if Taehyung was holding his legs nice and wide for Jungkook and for some reason that image was incredibly hot and alluring for Jungkook.

With his heart pounding with profound desire and his skin slightly sweating in his own rising body heat, Jungkook continued to examine Taehyung up close as he worked his fingers, using his other free hand to carress Taehyung from his hair to his face and to his torso. Jungkook's mind subconsciously started to ingrain the visual details of Taehyung deep into his long-term memory.

"Relax beautiful you are doing so good..."

This omega will be important to me.

Something stirred inside Jungkook upon his own instinctive conclusion.

With dilated pupils, Jungkook took down a mental photo of Taehyung's disheveled state. The omega's face was bright red like the insides of a ripened tomato, his hair in a state of chaotic mess and his body absolutely wrecked from the what he had physically experienced.

Jungkook's eyes soften as he felt something close to love.

Something close to love but it wasn't love. Maybe admiration. Maybe lust. Maybe pity. But it wasn't love. He was sure of that or at least that was what he thought.

The youngest prince didn't understand how an omega could look so beautifully ethereal like a fallen angel yet be so sexy and lewd at the same time. To Jungkook, that combination was absolutely gorgeous.

Jungkook couldn't wait any longer. His dick was already unimaginably hard.

He felt his body temperature rising to a dangerous level.

For a raging alpha who had just turned 21 that year, Taehyung's sex appeal and beauty were too rich for the young alpha Jungkook to handle.

As Taehyung finally orgasmed and squirted a bucket worth of slick out of his hole while panting vigorously for air, Jungkook suddenly had an intense desire to take Taehyung then and there.

However, Jungkook was supposed to wait in line. He was supposed to take Taehyung after Hoseok. It was an unspoken rule and a form of respect for his second eldest brother. Well, Jungkook didn't expect Hoseok to hold back on taking Taehyung earlier that day. It was so unexpected. Almost kind.

What was Hoseok thinking?

However, Jungkook couldn't wait or think of the consequences any longer at that point in time because he was already not thinking straight. The moment he saw Taehyung he had wanted to take him and make him his. Jungkook also knew that although Hoseok and him had fought a lot in the past as brothers, Hoseok was never a calculative or petty person.

He would understand me.

With that conclusion, Jungkook took off his pants, hastily threw it off to the side and while holding Taehyung in a loving missionary position, he entered Taehyung slowly.

"I must make you mine. You will be mine beautiful, just trust me my sweet baby darling."

In Taehyung's endless screams, Jungkook locked his lips onto Taehyung and just like that, Jungkook was the first and only alpha to kiss and hold Taehyung with his fully naked frame that night.

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