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[M] Six | "Savage"

Chapter Text

The first and second alpha princes were most certainly brutal, but the youngest prince Jungkook was worst: he was uncontrollably and irrevocably sick in the mind.

A few minutes later, Hoseok let out an ear-splitting growl. He abruptly pulled out his shaft from Taehyung's mouth and a giant alpha pumping rod came into view. While still holding Taehyung's head in place by the hair, Hoseok cummed all over Taehyung's face and throughout the whole process Taehyung was still violently choking and coughing for air.

Taehyung shut his eyes and whimpered helplessly when he felt Hoseok's explosive load being shot all over his face - his forehead, his cheeks and his mouth.

His tears then washed the cum down to his chin and his neck. His cheeks burnt bright red in humiliation and pain.

When Hoseok released Taehyung's hair, Taehyung fell back from his kneeling position onto the bed with trembling legs and lifeless eyes. He was completely motionless except for his uncontrollably shaking legs, his eyes dazed out in space.

Hoseok looked down at his property. He was very happy to see his cum and cigarette burns all over Taehyung's face and body. Satisfaction and pride welled up in his heart and he grinned but for some reason Hoseok decided that he would stop at claiming Taehyung's mouth that day.

"I'm done for now. Jungkook it's your turn," Hoseok turned to Jungkook and announced before turning to face Taehyung again as he continued, "baby don't worry~ I will feed your other hole with my lovestick the next time alright sweetheart~"

Once Hoseok's words landed, Taehyung whose breathing pace had finally returned to normal threw the most repulsive hateful glare he could ever conjure at the alpha Hoseok.

If glares could kill Hoseok would have died and burnt in hell.

Taehyung actually hated Hoseok with a passion at that point in time.

The alpha that humiliated him with both his actions and words and played with his life like it was a game.

Taehyung fucking wished that Hoseok incinerated in hell.

At that point Namjoon who was standing at the side silently leaning against the bedroom wall suddenly started moving towards Taehyung again. Taehyung instantly sensed the dominating energy moving towards him and his eyes immediately sprung from hate to fear.

Taehyung wasn't even looking in Namjoon's direction when he walked over but he could sense Namjoon's movement instantly through his nose and standing hair ends.

My first alpha.

In that instant Taehyung's attention was diverted back to his brief memory with Namjoon. Taehyung had dreaded Namjoon's gut-wrenching bites and he had dreaded Namjoon's harsh threatening words and he had most certainly dreaded Namjoon's lack of mercy when he was forcefully fucking him.

Namjoon was the first alpha that had taken Taehyung after all and Taehyung couldn't help but feel an intense fear towards Namjoon. Yetat the same time, he felt something close to an attachment. Taehyung couldn't help it but his imprinted omega body reacted in ways as if Namjoon was already his mate despite the fact that they had yet to properly bond and knot.

As Namjoon closed up on him, Taehyung lowered his head in submission. Namjoon smirked at Taehyung's response and grabbed his chin before digging his fingers deep into Taehyung's mouth.

Taehyung was still frozen in deep-seated fear.

"I'm leaving now bitch. Don't misbehave when I'm gone and the next time when I'm taking you you better not struggle a single bit or I will bite you till you bleed to death. I hate bitches that struggle. Am I clear?"

Taehyung had no idea why but he nodded with fresh tears welling up in his eyes after Namjoon's words landed.

He felt Namjoon fingers sinking into his tongue and he felt Namjoon's ice-cold gaze ripping into his soul.

But when Taehyung looked deeper into Namjoon's narrowed eyes he saw more emotions. Was it sadness? Was it anger? Was it pain? Taehyung didn't know for sure.

Why is he staring at me like this? And how do I stop struggling when it's painful?

Taehyung felt hopeless. He didn't want to die from bites and he knew how painful Namjoon's bites were.

"You look like her."

After what seemed like an eternity Namjoon abruptly threw in a comment that Taehyung could barely understand. He then pulled his gaze and grip away from Taehyung and walked away.

Namjoon didn't want to stay for Jungkook's turn because he knew of Jungkook's unpredictable sick ways and he didn't want to watch.

So he walked out the door and left.

Hoseok didn't want to watch his younger brother too so he gave one last wink to Taehyung and proceeded to leave too. Taehyung gritted his teeth hatefully at Hoseok to which Hoseok replied while walking out the door:

"Goodnight sweetheart~ be good to our baby brother~ he's a little weird but I think you'll like him as much as you like us~" spoke Hoseok to Taehyung before turning to Jungkook with a deadpan face to command his younger brother, "bitch you better be less crazy, omega is tired already. At least keep omega alive 'cause I still haven't had enough fun."

Then Hoseok was gone.

My second alpha.

Taehyung cursed at Hoseok innately but he couldn't deny the brief longing he actually felt for Hoseok when he left and at that point Taehyung couldn't decide if he hated Hoseok or his omega instincts more.

Two seconds later Taehyung shifted his attention towards the supposedly youngest "brother" of the pack who was staring back at him with an emotionless face. There was silence in the room.

Taehyung had Hoseok's cum all over his face and neck, and he had Namjoon's cum all over his ass and thighs.

Jungkook didn't like the sight of that.

Slowly and surely, Jungkook walked up to the ajar door, closed and locked it gracefully.

Then to Taehyung utmost horror, Jungkook turned around and flashed him a plastic grin.

"Hello Taehyung. It's just you and me now."

A forced grin that reminded Taehyung of a savage psychopath.

This alpha was also the biggest in size and looked really strong in appearance despite being the youngest.

Taehyung suddenly wished that Namjoon and Hoseok hadn't left because there was something eerie about this last alpha.

"The doors are soundproof. You can scream all you want it's fine. When you are thirsty just signal it to me and I will give you some water."

Jungkook paused and tapped his finger on his chin and furrowed his brows as if he was thinking about something deeply.

"Honestly I'm not too sure what I should start doing with you yet but let's clear up the cum on you first alright? You're all mine now and you better not think about my brothers when you're with me...They can't save you now can they?"

Taehyung's head started spinning.

There was something wrong with this youngest alpha.

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