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[M] Eight | "Ate"

Chapter Text

Warning: cum play, feeding, fingering, rimming, whipping, carving i.e. knife play, blood play with some more weird elements. It's uniquely kinky and spooky at the same time, something only sick psychopathic split-personality Jungkook is capable of. Nothing life threatening though, that's Hoseok's thing. Some parts of it are even quite pleasurable to Taehyung in a sick way.

There is a reason why I am describing the rape scene in depth. It gives insight on the character of all the three alpha princes. They all make Taehyung feel different emotions intensely. Honestly, the word "fear" is too general to describe the specific feeling Taehyung felt for each alpha because although Taehyung did fear each of the alphas it was a different kind of fear. At this point Taehyung don't even know their names properly yet, he remembers them by their external appearances, the feeling he harbours for each of them as well as their unique personality and the way they treat him.

Taehyung's head started spinning.

There was something wrong with this youngest alpha.

There was no warmth in Jungkook's smile at all. There was not even a tinge of smugness which Taehyung saw in Hoseok's grin or a tinge of dominance which Taehyung saw in Namjoon's smirk.

Jungkook looked as if he had rehearsed his smile and practiced his politeness.

Taehyung's heart sank when Jungkook bent down slowly to pick up a box located just beside his feet.

"So I have a little box. I'll show you what's inside in a moment. I've been wanting to use this for awhile."

Little box?

All of Taehyung's hair stood on ends when Jungkook inched towards him with the wooden box in his hands.

Taehyung realized in panic that he could not read this alpha at all.

Soon, Jungkook reached the side of the bed and placed the box at the side table.

Silence for 20 seconds as Jungkook eyed Taehyung up and down with an emotionless face.

A smile creeped up onto Jungkook's face again.

"Christ, you are actually beautiful."

Then Jungkook proceeded to whistle a joyous tune as he started undressing his top.

He sounded like he was having the time of his life.


Taehyung was already on the verge of fainting from the violence inflicted onto him by the other two alphas but this last alpha was keeping him on his toes.

Being called beautiful was most definitely a compliment and Taehyung would most certainly be happy to receive such a compliment in the past but to hear it in his current situation Taehyung could only feel goosebumps rising on his skin.

After what seemed like an eternity, the half-naked Jungkook slowly lowered his frame onto Taehyung who was lying completely still on bed staring up at Jungkook with much confusion, fear and anxiety in his eyes.

Taehyung was anxious because he did not know what to expect from this alpha at all.

This alpha was also the first that cared to undress part of himself.

Taehyung had not a single clue what this alpha was trying to do.

Taehyung had not a single clue whether this alpha was going to be nice or cruel.

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