chapter three

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I woke up on my bed and checked my alarm clock on my night stand 8:56pm. How did I even get here?... Adrian. I went down the stairs to look for him.

"Hey honey pie"

"Mom, how was work?" I gave her a tight bear hug

"The usual" she replied going back to the stove to continue her cooking.

"Have you seen Adrian?"

"Yeah, he's sitting on the stairs at the front yard" she replied turning the pot of  stew into the pasta.

"Thanks". I unlocked the front door and saw him sitting there typing away on his phone. I tip-toed closer and saw that he wasn't typing. He was staring at my picture.

'what to do? What to do?' I thought. I slowly turned around, making my way back to the door only for me to step on a weak wood.

"Lis? I know you're there. Come sit" he said tapping the space beside him and tucking his phone away.

"Busted" I muttered under my breath and sat beside him.

"How was your nap?"

"It was... refreshing I think. Watcha doing out here? Checking out  butts?" I teased.

"Nope, not tonight" he let out a loud breath. "Lis there's something I want to tell_"

"Dinner is ready!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Okay!" I replied. "Let's go, yeah?"


' I wonder what he was about to say. Oh well, typical Adrian gist I guess'

I pulled out a chair at the dining table and sat down. My mom dished out our food and it smelt so good.

"Pasta and salad, my favourite. Thanks mom." I dug immediately after she placed a chicken in my plate. I noticed Adrian was picking his meal.

"Don't you like it?"

"Oh sorry, I do. I was just thinking about something I need to take care of tomorrow" he replied , putting a spoon in his mouth. He's lying and I know it.

"And what's it?" I pressed on

"It's nothing so important"

"Hmm, okay, if you say so" I decided to leave it, knowing that I'd find out sooner or later. The room was quiet after that, apart from a few questions about school from mom.

"You two can go to bed. I'll take care of the dishes. Your dad will be coming he late tonight and he'll be leaving very early tomorrow morning too sweetheart. He's working really hard these days and it's making me very worried about his health" she kissed my hair and roughened Adrian's hair wishing him a goodnight too.

"I know something is bothering you Rian, why don't you just spill it" I said closing the door behind me and sat on the bed.

"Trust me, you don't want to know" he replied, walking to the bathroom.

"But I do want to know"

"Drop it Alisha!" He shouted. He shouted me. I can't believe it.

"What?" My voice came out more like a squeak and I think I'm about to cry. I'm confused, so so confused. What is he hiding from me.

"I thought we're supposed to be best friends" I blinked away the tears and used my right arm to wipe off the prodigal tear that ran down my cheeks.

"I said drop it for fuck sake. It's none of your business" Adrian replied and slammed the bathroom door. Going under the duvet, I turned so my back was facing his side of the bed and slept off, promising myself that I won't talk to him tomorrow.


I sat on the stairs looking at Alisha's picture. I had an album of her pictures in my phone, though it's hidden. Most of them are unawares and the rest are either both of us together or only her posing. I love her as more than a friend, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her because it may just spoil our friendship which is the only thing keeping me close to her and I don't want to lose it. I've always liked her since we were little and as the years went by, it grew way too much and it's beginning to scare me. It's just too much, I feel like my heart is going to explode very soon if I don't tell her. She hasn't had any boyfriend and I'm kinda happy about it. I know it's selfish of me to think that but I don't think I'd be able to handle seeing another guy around her every single day. Another guy that'll replace and may even hurt her in the end. I heard a noise behind me and knew she was here. I tucked my phone inside my pocket.

'I hope she hadn't seen me looking at her picture' 

"Lis? I know you're there. Come sit" I said tapping the empty spot beside me.

"Busted" she muttered, sitting down beside me. I'm going to tell her how I feel about her, whether she likes it or not. Atleast I tried.

"How was your nap?" I asked, looking for a way to break the news to her.

"It was... refreshing I think. Watcha doing out here? Checking out butts?" That's what we usually do whenever we sit out at night. It's fun though, seeing different sizes of butt and laughing at flat ones.

"Nope, not this night" I let out a heavy breath. It's time.

"Lis? I want to tell_"

"Dinner is ready!" Maureen, Alisha's mom yelled from the kitchen. Great, just fucking great. Alisha replied her and we entered the house again. While eating, Alisha asked if I didn't like the food. I didn't even know I was picking my food. I apologised and continued eating. After dinner her mom volunteered to do the dishes and sent us to the room to sleep.

"I know  something is bothering you Rian why don't you spill it" Alisha said closing the door behind her and sitting on the bed.

"Trust me, you don't want to know" I replied walking to the bathroom.

"But I want to" she whined

"Drop it Alisha!" I shouted. I fucking shouted at her. I wanted to take it back immediately but I didn't want to tell her either.

"What?" She squeaked. God, she was going to cry. I felt my heart squeeze, I've never shouted at her before and it made me feel horrible.

"I thought we were supposed to be best friends" A tear fell from her eyes and she quickly wiped it off. I wanted to apologise so bad but I couldn't.

"I said drop it for fuck sake" I replied and slammed the bathroom door. I intentionally wasted too much time in the shower before coming out, just to make sure she was asleep. I changed into my shorts and lay down next to her, turned off the light on the night stand and slept.

Alisha's POV

I woke up earlier than usual today. I carefully got out of bed not wanting to wake Adrian up and slipped into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and taking my bathe, I blew my hair and curled it. I put on my pink gown and a silver-coloured sandals and set the alarm for 7:30 so he won't be late for school. I went to the kitchen to eat. I made coffee for myself, ate some chocolate bars and an apple and left the house. The school was a twenty minutes walk from my house, so i had enough time to get there. My first class is by eight-fifty, so I'd go to the library first.

Two updates in a row yayy!!!🎉🎉. 1257 words. I kept my promise ;-) . I think I'll just continue with the double update from now on. I may update more than two chapters once in a while though, but never one. Don't forget to vote and comment lovelies💖


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