chapter 7

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I haven't gotten any comments on the ship names. Please do so😥. Well that's by the way, here comes chapter seven😘

Alisha's POV
The remaining school days went pretty quick with the same old routine. Adrian took me to Macdonald's to make up for the lost days. How sweet. I'm currently lying on my bed reading a novel on wattpad 'the boss's lady'. It's really interesting gah!!!.. but it's still being updated, so I'll just follow it up. My stomach tells me it's hungry so I make my way to the kitchen to grab some food. My mom went grocery shopping and my dad went to work. I hardly ever see him again and it's frustrating. I take some home made muffin and make myself a hot chocolate.

"This house is so boring" I said walking into the sitting room. I pull out my phone from my back pocket and call Jeannie. She picks up after the third ring.

"Hey girl"

" Can you come over? I'm bored as hell"

"I'm kinda busy now. I'm babysitting my little sister, I'm so sorry"

"It's okay. I'll just call Adrian, bye"

"Bye" I hung up and dialled Adrian three times and they all went to voicemail.

"Great". I finished my meal, wore my neon green converse and left the apartment. I strolled down the neighbourhood and went to the next street. I was walking with no destination in mind, I just felt like stretching my legs. I was about to enter the third Street when I heard my name. Okay... Not really my name.

"Lissy bear!" I turned and saw Jordan waving furiously at me in a car. He was with his friends.

"Hey" I replied walking up to them while Declan parked the car.

"What are you doing here?" He asked placing his hand on the window sill and his chin on his hand.

" Just walking around, you?"

"We're going paint balling"

"Hi" Declan said. Jonathan nodded at me while Bryan looked out the other side of the window.

"Hi" I replied

" you wanna join us?" Jordan asked.

"Nah.. I don't want to intrude. Thanks for the offer though"

"Oh puh-lease get in" he said and opened the door. I shrugged and entered the car.

"Can you play?" He asked with a cocked brow

"Very well"

"Great! We'll be on the same team. With Bryan too"

"No way!" Bryan and I shouted at the same time.

"Yes way. We're going to be on the same team. No arguments." Jordan looked at the both of us waiting for us to disagree again. Bryan mumbled something incoherent that got him a glare from Jordan, so he slumped back into his seat.

"This is not going to end well"

Well, it was just the complete opposite of what I said. The game went pretty well, great in fact. Bryan, Jordan and I on the same team, Declan, Jonathan and another girl were on the same team. And...none of our teams won. We still had fun though and grabbed ice cream later.

"Did you see Declan's face when you shot him?" Jordan laughed and nudged me on my shoulder. I laughed along with him, Declan's face was hilarious.

"It was priceless" I wiped a year from my chin and scooped more ice cream from the bucket we'd bought earlier.

"I'm not gonna hear the end of it, am I?" Declan asked.

"Nope" Jordan and I replied. He rolled his eyes and continued eating his ice cream. Jonathan continued typing away on his phone not even touching the ice cream once. Sometimes I cant help but think that the guy was a sadist.

"I've got to go" Bryan announced

"Where to?" Jonathan finally asked

"Around. I'll see you guys later" with that, he left the booth.

"He's been acting weird lately don't you guys think?" Jonathan asked

"You hardly even pay attention to your surroundings, how'd you know?" Declan countered.

"Trust me, I pay attention and I know he's up to something" Jonathan deadpanned. I kept quiet 'cause none of it was my business. The guy could kill himself and I would care less. Trust me, I'm not always this heartless.

"We'll still find out or he'll tell us when he wants to. I'm sure it's nothing serious by the way" Jordan replied. Always the optimist.

"yeah sure, he'll tell us" Declan agreed. Jonathan shook his head and continued typing on his phone... again.

We left the place few minutes later and the dropped me in front of my apartment before they left. I front door was unlocked, which means someone was back. I opened the door and saw my dad sitting on the couch.

"You're home early" the fact that I was surprised was clear in my voice.

" Yeah, I haven't been spending time with you for a long time, so I cleared my appointments for the rest of the day to come back to you" he replied hugging me close to his chest.

"You made the right choice. I was planning on putting you up on e-bay for sell" he chuckled and flicked my nose.


"That's for wanting to sell me pumpkin"

"Dad" I whined "I'm seventeen not seven. I'm not a pumpkin"

"You'll always be my pumpkin" he stated entering the kitchen and coming out again with a big bowl of milky popcorn.

"Let's watch a movie now, shall we?"

"Oh yes. Give me the popcorn dude" I said and snuggled up to him. He placed it in my arm and held me with his right arm, flipping through the channels with his left. My dad being my dad put pretty little liars. I wonder why he loves chicklit movies so much. He's a man for Christ's sake.

Hehehe, another chapter for my munchkins. Don't forget to vote😉. Keep reading and I'll keep updating. Though I'm starting to run outta ideas and I'll need some time to juggle up some. Much love💜

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