The black scarf

516 19 5

Warning: racism

Mikasa: that was a good titan kill,now it's time to eat!

Levi: *sniff* what's that smell?

Mikasa: *sniff oh it's mah scarf, a Titan vomited and the vomit kind of spilled on my scarf,just a tiny bit.

Levi: *sigh no one's eating until that scarf is clean

Jean: I'll clean it

Mikasa: Eh, you sure?

Jean: yeah yeah now gimme the scarf *grabs scarf

*in the bathroom...*

Jean: *in his mind Jean, you can do this. This is Mikasa's scarf you're dealing with, you have to make the moment worth it

*Jean gets a basin full of ink*

*half an hour later...*

Mikasa: Jean, you done yet?

Jean: yup,all done

Mikasa: w-why is it black?

Jean: what? Oh...I must've washed it in black ink...but at least it's clean

Mikasa: FFFFFF *grabs Jean's collar* you are gonna clean this up right now, I don't care if you sweat,suffer, or even bleed. I need this scarf to be red, you have an hour

*an hour later...*

Mikasa: done yet? *sees Jean sleeping* sleeping on the job,eh? Well,let's see then *checks scarf* still black. Sir,you're coming with me *grabs Jean's ear

*At Eren's room...*

Mikasa: Eren, I need your help turning this scarf red.

Eren: what happened to it?

Mikasa: mr. Horseface over here cleaned it using the ink basin


Mikasa: so,do you know what to do with it?

Eren: *talks sarcastically oh yeah, totally *grabs scarf* oh,it's still wet *smirks

*a few minutes later...*

Sasha: Jean, WTF happened to ur face?

Connie: ur black

Levi: Bald man, ur being racist

Connie: says the chink

Levi: now ur just being racist to Asians, go clean my Windex

Connie: Y-yes sir...wait WINDEX?!?!

Levi: what? It's filthy, now clean it

Connie: yes sir

Hanji: seriously,what happened to ur face?

Jean: what's wrong with mah bootiful face?

Hanji: see for yourself *gives Jean a mirror


Armin: what's wrong with him?

Levi: blackhorseface

Armin: it's weird, I got all that for some reason. Sorry I missed it, I was just eating lunch.


Armin: Baked potato

Sasha: YUSS

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