Shattered glass

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A/N: again,this meme belongs to PokerDuck8urCake

*Back to story...*

Petra: Ahh,we finally killed the ravioli titan. That wasn't so hard, eh Captain?

Levi: that's nice...

Petra: what's wrong?

Levi: nothing's wrong it's just...

Petra: just what? Oh...this must be your house

Levi: this glass is shattered......liek my dreams.

Petra: your dreams of being a professional window cleaner?

Levi: *nods

Petra: oh so that's why you only brought me here, I read your diary and know all ur secrets

Levi: yes...*makes hand go through the glass window which makes him bleed

Petra: Captain,stop it! You're bleeding!

Levi: *looks at Petra and lets go of the glass

Petra: oh hey I'm stepping on a piece of paper, *picks up the piece of paper* Captain, I think this is for you

Levi: *grabs letter

Hello Corporal Levi
In yo face, I just broke your favorite glass window, and there's nothing you can do about it BISH.

Levi: Unknown...

Petra: 😠😠😠 I've heard about this guy,and he's an evil little guy...

Levi: Petra,you call the window repair men. I'll deal with Unknown

Petra: Yes sir *leaves

Unknown: PSSST

Levi: Unknown...I should've known...what the hell did you do to mah bae?

Unknown: I may or may not have stabbed it with a knife, put some marks in it and put some fake blood on it.

Levi: you evil little man...

Unknown: you littler little man...

Levi: time to end this once and for all *grabs sword

Unknown: boy, you don't wanna mess with me. Cause remember that ravioli Titan you killed earlier? Well, that was just backup! Here comes the real ravioli Titan

*Petra stabs Unknown's neck*

Unknown: ahh...*dies

Petra: It's time,Boys! Start repairing!

Repair men: yes sir!

Petra: it's ma'am

Repair men: yes sir!

Petra: *sigh CMON captain we have to get going

Levi: *glares

Petra: don't worry, we'll see that window again

Levi: when?

Petra:our next titan...

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