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This is a sehun fanfiction. Chanbaek is a couple but they are not the main characters. I wanted to point this out just in case.

Their ages are changed to fit my story and details might be vague but I just wrote it for fun so please overlook that. You don't have to read it if you don't like it or are not into it.

This is my first fan fiction so forgive me if it seems a bit rough. I also started writing after a long time so my flow might be rusty. I didn't follow the basic English rules like I used to, so it ain't poetic or anything and I broke a few rules. Darn it kind of makes me cringe now that I read it. Bye.

hanabi_neko ©

no part of the story may be reproduced or infringed upon without the author's consent.

characters are based on real people but incidents are ficticious products of the author's imagination and do not intend to resemble any other original work or a person dead or alive.


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