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Lexan pov

Walking through the doors of his office wasn't an easy thing to do

He's known to be a mean person not even looking his employees in the eyes when he speaks to them

I was scared my hands were sweaty, my body shaking my nervousness visible to everyone i had just passed in the hallway

"G....good morning Sir. Lovell" I spoke my voice shaky i really had no clue what the hell i was thinking when I signed up to become his personal secretary

"Good mor....." he stopped mid sentence looking me up and down my nervousness showing even more

As a lot of thoughts started running through my head

What if the dress was too short what if he didn't like the color what if my hair is too short what if....

I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt someone touch me

I looked at up at him "are you ok I've been calling you for the past five minutes" he said to me with concern in his voice

"Oh... am yeah I'm ok" I replied as quickly as I could

"Well I was telling you your my new secretary" he said it with a smile

"Wait what you didn't even look at my resumé" I said in shock

"Don't worry I did actually its amazing what you can find out online and next time don't wear something so long... have a wonderful day Miss. Wiltshire see you tomorrow at eight"

And with that he went behind his desk took a seat and I know that was my que to leave

"Thank you Sir. Lovel I'll see you tomorrow" and with that I walked out of the room

The walk back to my car I  was thinking about what he said "next time don't wear something so long"

It was a surprise to me because I thought mid knee dresses were the appropriate length


Looking through my closet I notice I had nothing shorter than mid knee unless it was too sleep in

I had no money to afford new clothes now so I did the next best thing i called my best friend

If it was shorter then knee high she had it

Lord alone knows how she does it wears short clothes everyday and night

With only a few exceptions when she was around her mom

Phone convo
Bitch❤❤: best friend
Bitch😍❤❤: Lexan

Bitch❤❤: hello.. how short and what color

Bitch😍❤❤: well hello too you too.. mid thigh would be nice and anything pink blue or red would be nice

Bitch❤❤: give me five but I only have black for now I'm not home and I'll be there love you bye

Bitch😍❤❤: love you too bye

End of convo

It amaze me how she always knows what I'm calling her for its like she reads my mind or something

I had five minutes to take a shower and find something to put on

I've only been in the shower for 3 minutes and she was already here

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