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I pushed my hands below my desk too get a candy bar but instead I pulled out a brown envelope

It's the same envelope that Nyka had when we left her cafe the day she had that talk with Justin I passed my hands over it debating if I should open it or not

My curiosity got the better of me and I open it

Inside was a few pictures and a letter... for heavens sake what's so important that she couldn't just send a voice note

Dear Lex,
                   If your reading this I'm already gone. I sold the house and the cafe is yours. My life can't be the same anymore after what he did I would never be the same. He didn't just cheat on me.
   We've been together for years and just like that it was over... anyways enough about that. Justin isn't who he appears to be but he does like you, hell he loves you and I knew from the day you two walked into the cafe. The way he looks at you what he feels for you is real love and I know you love him too.
      He's the leader of the mafia the biggest drug lord to walk around New York. His business is a cover up for what he really does. The pictures I provided you with are proof. Please don't tell him I told you this but it's better for you to know now than later own. Lex I'll always love you and I don't want you to get hurt so please don't ask him and don't get involved. This is good bye till me meet again. There's one last thing I want from you.. please tell mom I love her.
                                               Your bestie,

I felt the tears roll down my cheeks she was gone I didn't care about what she was saying about Justin

For I know that day I had lost my best friend and worst yet I had to tell her mom her daughter wasn't coming to she her again

As more tears fell I felt myself fading away from this world and into  my own  where there wasn't any problem where everything was ok where she was still here

But he couldn't keep his dick to himself he just had to give in to that bitch


"What" I blinked a couple times to get rid if the clouds the surrounded my pupils

"Are you alright you've been crying for the past twenty minutes and I've been calling you since"

Shit it's been that long I looked up to see a concerned Justin standing in front of me

I looked down at my hands but the letter was gone and so was the envelope

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied letting go a long sigh

"The papers  you wanted me to look through are on your desk,your meeting with Mrs. Berks is today at two, your mom will be here at three and your free after that"

I told him his events for the rest of the evening with out looking up at him

I know if I did he'll know I was lieing about bening fine.

My eyes glimpsed the letter and envelope at my feet and I was relieved that he hadn't taken them

Even tho I wasn't paying attention to anything about him in particular from that letter the drug lord and mafia got my attention

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